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【紫铭留学网 - SAT】
1.SAT 传统观念与现实突破

44. Famous in her time and then forgotten, the 17th century Dutch painter Judith Leyster was ______ obscurity when, in 1993, the Worcester Art Museum organized the first retrospective exhibition of her work.

A. resigned to
B. rewarded with
C. rescued from
D. indifferent to
E. worthy of


45. A certain additive put in gasoline to reduce air pollution is actually ______ groundwater, a finding that shows that even the most well-intentioned fixes can sometimes______.

A. liquefying…founder
B. contaminating…backfire
C. purifying…boomerang
D. saturating…reciprocate
E. polluting…prevail

46. People who take megadoses of vitamins and minerals should take care: though beneficial in small quantities, in large amounts these substances may have ______ effects.

A. admirable
B. redundant
C. intangible
D. toxic
E. minor


47. Opponents of the expansion of the market economy, although in ______, continued to constitute ______ political force throughout the century.
A. error... an inconsequential B. retreat… a powerful C. disarray… a disciplined
D. jeopardy… an ineffective E. command… a viable


48. It is the task of the International Wildlife Preservation Commission to prevent endangered species from becoming ______ in order that future generations may ______ the great diversity of animal life.
A. tamed…recollect
B. evolved…value
C. extinct…enjoy
D. specialized…anticipate
E. widespread…appreciateSAT