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SAT写作范文:The Most Important Things in Friendship[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:11:02 SAT
SAT写作范文:The Most Important Things in Friendship[1]SAT
【网络综合 - SAT】

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following statement:


  J.K. Rawlings maintains that “The most important things in friendship are tolerance and loyalty.”


  Are tolerance and loyalty the most important things in a friendship?

  Plan and write and essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. If you think other qualities are more important than tolerance and loyalty, be sure explain. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your readings, experiences or observations.


  Friendship is made up of many components. I would have to say that tolerance and loyalty certainly are important, but because there are so many parts to a good friendship, it is difficult to judge whether they are the most important qualities. Many other pieces of a friendship are vital, but some of them may grow from a basis of tolerance and/or loyalty.

  Trust, for example, is something that is definitely important in any successful relationship. It is difficult to work with anyone you don’t have faith in. They could be telling halftruths or they may be unreliable. Without trust people would be forced to do everything themselves and would become socially isolated. However, it is possible that loyalty is more important than trust, because a friend’s loyalty may be a source of trust. If someone sees that a loyal friend has come through for him or her time and time again, trust will develop. And one must ask one’s self if a disloyal friend could ever be trusted.

  Though I agree that loyalty is certainly one of the most important factors in a friendship, I do not know if I agree that tolerance is as well. Tolerance, I’m sure, helps a friendship, but it may not be as necessary as many other parts. Friends are often the first to critique work and point out flaws. Often times a friend’s lack of tolerance can help a pSAT