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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 22:48:05 SAT
【百度文库 - SAT】

 18.acumen: unable to discern 敏锐:不能辨别  Because Jenkins neither_____ nor defends either management of the striking workers, both sides admires his journalistic___.  (A) criticize---acumen  (B) attacks---neutrality  (C) confronts---aptitude  (D) dismisses---flair  (E) promotes---integrity  Acumen:shrewd 精明的  19.adept: bungling /inept熟练的:笨拙的  (1)I am not an adept aesthetician, and I could not presume to analyze Martha’s sense of design or approach toward design.  (2)Predictably, detail-oriented workers are___ keeping track of the myriad particulars of a situation.  (A) remiss in  (B) adept at  (C) humorous about  (D) hesitant about  (E) contemptuous of  detail-oriented workers的这种人的特点就是adept at doing sth。  20.adroit: ungainly 灵活的:笨拙的  astute/ambidextrous/swift/alacrity <> cumbersome/ponderous/awkward/gauche  (1) Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such___ strategies that only the most___ player can master them.  (A) Byzantine, adroit  (B) nefarious, conscientious  (C) devious, lackadaisical  (D) onerous, slipshod  (E) predictable, compulsive  21.adulate: reproach/scorn/disdain/vilify 阿谀:指责/蔑视/鄙视/诽谤  (1)The media seldom give those who seek careers in the public eye any__ of the life-changing effects of the overwhelming__ that often accompanies fame.  (A)intimation, adulation  (B)euphemism, aplomb  (C)rhetoric, acme  (D)stasis, euthanasia  (E)mote, abandon  (2)When such -------remarks are circulated, we can only blame and despise those who produce them.  (A) adulatory (B) chance  (C) rhetorical (D) redundant  (E) reprehensible  blame and despise是reprehensible remarks才值得的,而adulatory remarks却不会。  (3)Surrounded by a retinue of sycophants who invariably___ her singing, Callas wearied of the constant adulation and longed for honest criticism.  A. orchestrated  B. thwarted  C. assailed  D. extolled  E. reciprocated  adulation,flatter,obsequious,sySAT