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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 22:56:27 SAT
【百度文库 - SAT】

1.negligible 可以忽略的 negligent 疏忽的
(1)She was taxed with negligence/with having been negligent.
(2)The damage to my car is negligible.
2.snob (snobbish) 势利(的) smug 自满的
Snob: one who blatantly imitates, fawningly admires, or vulgarly seeks association with those regarded as social superiors, 势利的小人。。。。中国太多了
(1) One academic who has studied and written extensively about Plato and television suggests that Plato, rather than being anti-arts, was merely an elitist. Plato wanted to ban poetry readings and live theater, the argument goes, because, being free and accessible and raucous and extremely popular, they were the mass entertainment of that era.
Question: The “academic” indicates that Plato was primarily characterized by his
(A) insight
(B) artistry
(C) cynicism
(D) irreverence
(E) snobbishness
(2)Political figures who appear to be stanch supporters of the interests of the general public may not always be the__ they purport to be, but rather__ who favor selected groups that provide significant campaign benefactions.
A. demagogues, mavericks
B. conservatives, anarchists
C. populists, elitists
D. moderates, reactionaries
E. partisans, snobs
Smug:marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction 相当的自以为是。。。
EG: It was interesting to be in the quite old town once more, and it was not disagreeable to be hare and there suddenly recognized and stared after. One or two of the tradespeople even darted out of their shops, and went a little way down the street before me, that they might turn, as if they had forgotten something, and pass me face to face—on which occasions I don’t know whether they or I made the worse pretence; they of not doing it, or I of not seeing it. Still, my position was a distinguished one, and I was not at all dissatisfied with it, until Fate threw me in the way of that unlimited miscreant, Trabb’s boy.
Question: TSAT