作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 12:30:58 SAT
1.When reading a poem, you should read slowly to have given oneself the opportunity to savor the details of its language, form, and sound.
A.to have given oneself
B.to give yourself
C.for oneself to be given
D.for oneself to have
E.so that you had had
解析:A选项中oneself使用不恰当,因为句子主语是you(二人称),另外,have given的使用也错,to have done表示已经发生的事情,语义不恰当。B选项to do做目的状语,正确。CD选项中oneself都使用错误。E选项中时态错误,had had是过去完成时,而这里have the opportunity应该是没有发生的事情。
2. The economist estimated that workers in our city spend an average of 40 minutes daily traveling to their jobs and 50 minutes returning home.
A.workers in our city spend
B.a work in our city who spends
C.they who work in our city spends
D.those who work in our city spending
E.our city’s workers having spent

解析:that引导estimated的宾语从句,A选项spend time doing something是正确用法,A对。B选项没有主句,只有who引导的从句。C中they spends错误。D中缺谓语动词。E中也缺谓语动词。这里主句的estimated并不影响that从句的时态,因为没有逻辑关系。
3. Neuroscientists have gained new insights into how the brain works by adopting research methods used to study other elaborate systems, this ranges from computer chips to the stock market.
A.systems, this ranges from computer chips to
B.systems with a range from computer chips and
C.systems ranging from computer chips to
D.systems, it ranges over computer chips and
E.systems, they are ranging from computer chips to
解析:逗号之前是完整句子,ADE选项run-on。B选项中from...and...错误。C正确,ranging from...to做后置定语,修饰systems,等于which range。
4. Most of the objects in the museum’s ceramics collections are porcelain pieces from Germany, although the collection also includes prices from Turkey, Korea, and Japanese ceramics are also represented.
A.and Japanese ceramics are also represented
B.as well as Japanese ceramics
C.and from Japan
D.and Japan
E.and also from Japan
解析:三个国家平行,只能选D最简洁正确。Turkey, Korea, and Japanese。
5. Most states in the United States had enacted child labor laws by 1920,SAT