作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 07:21:39 SAT
【太傻网 - SAT】

  作者:北京新航道学校SAT语法主讲 王汝涛

  在上一篇文章中,我重点分析了句子改错题的命题模式和解题要领,本文将分析写作语法改错部分的另外两种题型,即改进句子(Improving Sentences)和改进段落(Improving Paragraphs)。

  一、改进句子(Improving Sentences)

  这部分常见考察点: 1。支离破碎的句子。 例如: Although he studies hard. 2。没有用标点符号来分割句子。例如:In the past I worked at a language school in New Zealand now I am back in China. 3. 使用不正确的逗号切割句子。例如: Alex finished her homework early, after that she drove to Maria’s house. 4. 逻辑错误,如该使用but连接却使用了and。逻辑指代错误等。5. 修饰词位置不当 6. 结构不对称等。有些连接词后要对称,如: neither…nor…, either… or…, both… and…, the more… the more…, not only… but also… 特别是but also 部分经常容易有错误。还有使用and 连接两个没有直接关系的两个句子。请看如下几个例子:

  1. Nineteenth-century nihilists were concerned with neither the origins of philosophical thought nor how societal laws developed. (x) (结构不对称)

  Nineteenth-century nihilists were concerned with neither the origins of philosophical thought nor the development of societal laws. (√)

  2. The junior class built a homecoming float, and it had lights and a sound system that worked amazingly well. (x) (使用and 连接两个没有直接关系的两个句子)

  The junior class built a homecoming float. It had lights and a sound system that worked amazingly well. (√)

  3. Ben Franklin was a respected and talented statesman, and he was most famous for his discovery of electricity. (x) (转折关系,连接词使用不当)

  Ben Franklin was a respected and talented statesman, but he was most famous for his discovery of electricity. (√)

  4. George and Liam argued about football while I tried to study loudly. (x) (修饰词位置不当)

  George and Liam argued loudly about football while I tried to study. √

  5. Wrapped in my towel, theSAT