作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:32:14 SAT
【太傻论坛 - SAT】

Directions: think carefully about the issue described in the excerpt below and about the assignment that follow it.

Webster’s dictionary defines perfectionism “as an extreme or obsessive striving for perfection.” Some people believe that perfectionism inhibits a person’s ability to work productively and well. Some colleges and universities have been sending their students the message to take things less seriously and to enjoy their college years more.

Assignment: what is your view of the message to college students to relax a little? Plan and write an essay that develops your point of view on the issue. Support your opinion with reasoning and examples from your reading, your class-work, your personal experiences, or your observations.


Tip 控制你的时间,从步骤一到步骤五给自己限时5分钟

步骤一 仔细的阅读考题

步骤二 重新思考问题,用下滑线标出重要词汇



步骤三 激发你的大脑,把你能想到的所有论点写在下面




步骤四 从你的所有论点中选出一个,作为你的论点




步骤五 在你的论点上加以论据,实例,任何能证明你论点的资料都可以写上去。写完后,仔细考虑那个论据更适合你的论点和你的中心思想,不适合的论据可以被划掉。

TIP 步骤六,给自己3分钟的时间去写introduction,要注意你的intro要包括你文章的论点,语言要尽量抓住读者心,使读者能充满好奇的继续读下去。

步骤六 抓住论点写出introduction







步骤七 返回去读一遍你的intro.确保你阐明了文章的中心。文章的格式也是按着逻辑性来编写的。

TIP 现在你应该可以用掉了8分钟的时间,用8分钟的时间写完你剩下的部分

步骤八 返回去看你刚才列出的论据。按照逻辑性开始写;


