作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 03:33:17 SAT
【太傻网 - SAT】


1、Original: Bill Gates gives a definite answer that college education does count.

Revised: Bill Gates gave a definitive answer: college education does count.


2、Original: …people may attend a university or college for various reasons...

Revised: …people attend university or college for a multitude of reasons...

此处将various改为短语a multitude of更为正式,体现人们读大学的原因很多。

3、Original: The kinds of education that we got on school are formal and intense ones...

Revised: The kinds of education that we receive at school is formal and of tentimes very intense.

不必用kinds of education,直接用education(教育)即可;“受教育”不同get,改为receive;“在学校”不必用at school;把one去掉,用oftentimes very intense指出学校教育常常是非常严格的。

4、Original: They can foster their interests in some fields to make life more colorful and meaningful.

Revised: They can even pick up hobbies to make life more colorful and enjoyable.

Foster their interests是“培养兴趣”,此处用pick up hobbies(开始各种各样的兴趣)更为合适;不同的兴趣是我们生活的调味剂,使我们的生活多姿多彩,乐趣无穷,把meaningful换成enjoyable,与colorful搭配更合适。

5、Original: Needless to say, more employment means more income and less idle life, so that people can enjoy a better life and make investment in their future.

Revised: Needless to say, more employment means income and less idle time, so that people can enjoy a better life and invest in their own futures.

把idle life改为idle time更为合适,表示“闲散时间”;make investment可改为动词invest,与and前的动词enjoy词性一致;人们各自有自己的未来,故将in their future改为in their own futures。

6、Original: Another important factor that contributes to the extension of life expectancy is the development oSAT