
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 07:04:35 成人英语三级考试
  • 高效备考!2017年成人英语三级考试通关保过课程火热开售中>>
  • 第1题单选 W: The experiment has been completed, hasn't it?

    M: __________

    A.Yes. We need another week to complete it.

    B.Yes. It has been completed beautifully.

    C.No. It was completed last week.

    D.No. I have no idea about it.


    第2题单选 Speaker A: East Bouren 54655.

    Speaker B: Hello. John here. Can I speak to Mary, please?


    B: OK.

    A.Who's that speaking?

    B.Could you take a message?

    C.Hold the line, please.

    D.I think she' s gone shopping.


    第3题单选 Lucy: Tom, would you like a drink?

    Tom: _________

    A.I don' t care. But thank you anyway.

    B.No, thank you. I had some Coke just now.

    C.Thank you. I care about what to drink.

    D.Don' t trouble yourself. Nobody care about it.


    第4题单选 Salesman: Good morning. Planning to buy a new car today?

    Customer: ________

    Salesman: What kind of car are you looking for?

    Customer: Something that has enough room for my family.

    A.I' m just looking around.

    B.I' m just looking everywhere.

    C.I' m just looking here and there.

    D.I' m just looking all the cars.


    第5题单选 Woman: Thank you very much for your help.

    Man : __________

    A.Never mind.

    B.Not at all.

    C.It doesn' t matter.

    D.No thanks.


    第6题单选 Speaker A: Excuse me, Professor Smith, can you spare me a few minutes? There' s something

    I' d like to speak to you about. I won' t keep you long.

    Speaker B : __________

    A.Of course not. Haven' t you seen have been pretty busy now?

    B.Well, I' m afraid we have to find some other time. I' m fully occupied now.

    C.No. I' 11 have an important meeting to attend this evening.

    D.Not possible, as I don' t know how long you will keep me.


    第7题单选 Speaker A: I' ve got a fever and a really bad headache.

    Speaker B : _________

    A.Why are you so careless about yourself?

    B.This kind of thing happens to everyone.

    C.You should take good care of yourself.

    D.Oh, that' s too bad. Why don' t you take some aspirin?


    第8题单选 W : I' m terribly sorry I' m late. I had rather a difficult time finding your office.


    A.Saying sorry won' t be enough for being late. You have to account for what you' ve done.

    B.That' s all fight. Please sit down and I' 11 start to ask you a few questions.

    C.You needn' t saying sorry. It' s often the case.

    D.Put on your name in the attendance record and go to your work.


    第9题单选 Speaker A: If you like, I could help you paint (刷油漆) the room tomorrow.

    Speaker B: __________

    A.You don' t have to give me a hand.

    B.That would be too much bother, but thanks anyway.

    C.I' m OK. You shouldn' t worry about that.

    D.Unfortunately I feel unable to accept your offer.


    第10题单选 Wilson: Hello. May I speak to Peter?

    Peter: _________

    A.Sorry, the number is engaged. Will you hold?

    B.Yes, speaking.

    C.Hello. Who' re you please?

    D.Hello. Thank you for calling.


    第11题单选 Doctor: __________

    Patient: I' ve caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.

    A.Do you have anything to declare, sir?

    B.Good morning. May I help you?

    C.How have you been getting along recently?

    D.What seems to be the problem?


    第12题单选 Desk Clerk: Good afternoon, Holiday Inn.

    Customer: Hello, I' d like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please.

    Desk Clerk: _________

    A.What' s the matter?

    B.What can I do for you ?

    C.Just a minute, please.

    D.Can I help you?


    第13题单选 Speaker A: Good to see you. You look more fit and better.

    Speaker B : __________

    A.Thanks. I had a lot of exercise and drank vegetable juice every day.

    B.Sorry. I don' t think I am more fit. Actually, I caught a bad cold.

    C.Yes. I' m much more fit. And you?

    D.I' m glad to see you too, though I' m not much better that ever before.


    第14题单选 Speaker A: Take a seat, Mr. Brown. Could you tell me which position you think most appeals to


    Speaker B:

    A.Well, I' m easy-going and have many personal interests.

    B.I' m strong-willed and determined.

    C.I prefer to take the post of sales manager if you think I' m qualified.

    D.I don' t quite care whatever is offered to me.


    第15题单选 Salesman: How would you like this one? It' s only 699. It is on sale(大甩卖).

    Customer: ________

    A.I don' t quite like it.

    B.Are you sure it is on sale? It is expensive, I think.

    C.Yes, I like it very much.

    D.Looks all right. Does the price include delivery charges?
