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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:22:49 SAT
【无忧考网 - SAT试题】

(1) In the history of science, there are some discoveries that nobody can forget, one of them is when Copernicus proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
(2) The scientists who made these groundbreaking discoveries must be among the smartest people of all time.
(3) It’s amazing that they could even come up with the ideas for their discoveries.
(4) Much less go out and prove them.
(5) But even the world’s smartest people aren’t perfect.
(6) Before Copernicus came along, people believed that the sun and the other planets circled around the Earth.
(7) The models people used to show that the Earth was the center of the universe had stood the test of time: they were 1500 years old!
(8) It’s hard to believe anyone could overturn 1500 years of scientific teaching.
(9) I know I couldn’t.
(10) But astronomers today can see that Copernicus’s actual calculations were wrong.
(11) He was correct in general, but he had trouble with the details.
(12) The same thing is true of John Dalton, who founded modern atomic theory.
(13) The fact that these scientists are so celebrated, despite their flaws, just shows how groundbreaking their new ideas actually were. (14) Dalton’s ideas were incredibly powerful and influential, but he used the wrong mathematical formulas.

1.Which of the following is the best way to revise sentence 1 (reproduced below) ?

In the history of science, there are some discoveries that nobody can forget, one of them is when Copernicus proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

(A)Change "are" to "were."
(B)Insert "and" between "forget" and "one."
(C)Change "one of them is" to "such as."
(D)Insert "who" between "Copernicus" and "proved."
(E)Delete "the history of."

2.Of the following, which is the best way to revise and combine the underlined portions of sentences 3 and 4 (reproduced below)?

It’s amazing that they couSAT