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【网络综合 - SAT】
conduce,动词,意思是导致、有益于某个结果。它起源于拉丁语conducere (to lead, bring together)。
"We find ourselves under the government of a system of political institutions, conducing more essentially to the ends of civil and religious liberty, than any of which the history of former times tells us."
Abraham Lincoln; Lyceum Address; Jan 27, 1838.

peripatetic 作为形容词意为巡游的,和走路、移动和旅行相关的,逍遥学派的,边旅行边讨论的。作为名词,意为巡游者、亚里斯多德的追随者。 可以从以下例句中体会它的用法:
"With his back to goal in a crowded space, the peripatetic Frenchman [Nicolas Anelka] deftly chipped the ball over his shoulder, and into the net for the equalizer." Rob Hughes; Michel Platini Set to Make Plea to Cut Influence of Money in UEFA; International Herald Tribune (Paris, France); Feb 15, 2009.

"The reason for his presence there (a Donald Duck statue in a temple garden) remains a mystery despite the author"s most assiduous inquiries. " Jeff Kingston; Chiang Mai: Thailand"s beguiling Rose of the North; The Japan Times (Tokyo); Jun 28, 2009.

superscribe 作为动词是指把名字、地址或者其他写在信件或者纸张的上端或者外面。
下面的例子可以看出它的用法: She superscribed an envelope.

举例来说You could put your feet on the table, for instance, dislodging the papers that were present there.
下面的例子可以清晰的看出它的用法: Republicans agreed Thursday to let Democrats push debates on overtime pay and other economic priorities in an effort to dislodge a stalled tax cut for American manufacturers. (USA Today)

Wax 有多种意思。作为名词,它是指蜡或者蜡状物。举个例子,你可以说You can use wax on your car。作为动词,它的意思是增加,增大,变大,月亮变满。
Applying a coating of wax to fruits and vegetables may also help to slow the loss of some nutrients. (NYTimes)
Immortal were the Elves, and their wisdom waxed from age to age, and no sickness nor pestilence brought death to them. (J.SAT