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被誉为“美国最尖锐和最敢直言的环保主义者”, Edward Abbey,带着强烈的苦楚和深厚的情感,描写了美国西南部的风情。在超过20本书里,他极富激情的传递了他对所谓进步的反感以及对安静,幽静和自由的热爱。
Abbey在他的Journey Home: Some Words in Defense of the American West (1977)一书中,将主题表述为the need to make sense of private experience by exploring the connections and contradictions among wildness and wilderness, community and anarchy, between civilization and human freedom.在下面的节选中,他通过一系列例子来表述沙漠生活的不受人欢迎的特点。在本书第二章的结尾,他回答了最开始提出的问题。"But there was nothing out there. Nothing at all. Nothing but the desert. Nothing but the silent world. That’s why."
The Great American Desert

(from The Journey Home by Edward Abbey)

Anyway--why go into the desert? Really, why do it? That sun, roaring at you all day long. The fetid, tepid, vapid little water holes slowly evaporating under a scum of grease, full of cannibal beetles, spotted toads, horsehair worms, liver flukes, and down at the bottom, inevitably, the pale cadaver of a ten-inch centipede. Those pink rattlesnakes down in The Canyon, those diamondback monsters thick as a truck driver’s wrist that lurk in shady places along the trail, those unpleasant solpugids and unnecessary Jerusalem crickets that scurry on dirty claws across your face at night. Why? The rain that comes down like lead shot and wrecks the trail, those sudden rockfalls of obscure origin that crash like thunder ten feet behind you in the heart of a dead-still afternoon. The ubiquitous buzzard, so patient--but only so patient. The sullen and hostile Indians, all on welfare. The ragweed, the tumbleweed, the Jimson weed, the snakeweed. The scorpion in your shoe at dawn. The dreary wind that blows all spring, the psychedelic Joshua trees waving their arms at you on moonlight nights. Sand in the soup du jour. Halazone tablets in your canteen. The barren hills that always go up, which is bad, or down, which is worse. Those canyons like catacombs with quicksand lapping at your crotch. Hollow, mummified horses at night, iron--shod, clSAT