_________________there is no mistake in your homework before you hand it in.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 06:54:40

_________________there is no mistake in your homework before you hand it in.
_________________there is no mistake in your homework before you hand it in.

_________________there is no mistake in your homework before you hand it in.
【Make sure】there is no mistake in your homework before you hand it in.


你们打算怎么去世界公园?_________________the World Park. 凯特此刻正在商店付光盘的钱.Kate _________________the CDs_______________in the shop. 她经常去水果店买芒果 翻译 She often _________________the fruit shop_________buy some mangoes初一的,谢谢您了She often _________________the fruit shop_________mangoes应该是这个,谢谢大家了 对加有引号的单词或句子提问My dress is green._________________The man over there is our teacher._______________It is her pencil._______________ the weather here is _________________the weather in Shanghai___________.这的天气和其他地方的天气比起来,最像上海的天气.横线中可以填很多词。。。。不限。。。。 填入适当的动词完成词组.并在括号内写出中文意思water,climb,sweep,take,wash,swim,make,clen________the mountains __________my clother( ) ( )__________my bed _________________the flowers( ) ( )________many photos ____________in the 英语翻译对不起我迟到了.你在这里等了我多久了?I’m sorry dor being late .How long __________________here?孩子们迫不及待地打开了礼物盒.The children _________________the gift boxes.三亚终年温暖.冬季数以千计 判断正误 (语法错误,对打T,错打F并在横线上改正)The boss has tae last word.( ) _________________The boss has the last word.( )———————————— 看图,选择in、on、under、behind、next、to完成句子.1.The cat is _____________the chair.2.The shoes are _____________the bed.3.The magazine is _____________the box.4.The chair is ________________the bed.5.The box is _________________the bed It will not be long before 和it was not long before 有什么区别比如_________________the baby elephant can walk.(be)不就小象就会走路了.为什么要用 It will not be long before.注意我的疑问再long前面的那个“be”上,而 八年级上册英语模仿造句 还会有别的题目 It was intersting to hear what the class think about action movies (it is + adj.to do sth.)造句:上课认真听讲很重要._________________The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tian 英语作业教教我1.记得不要把这个坏消息告诉她,否则她会担心___________________the bad news,or she'll worry about it.2.------我下公交车时看到李明正飞快地过马路.When I got off the bus,_________________the road qui