. ——A latest magazine, please.——Only one left.   Would you like to have ____?  A. it B. one C. this D. that

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 00:07:25

. ——A latest magazine, please.——Only one left.   Would you like to have ____?  A. it B. one C. this D. that
. ——A latest magazine, please.
——Only one left.   Would you like to have ____?
  A. it B. one C. this D. that

. ——A latest magazine, please.——Only one left.   Would you like to have ____?  A. it B. one C. this D. that
- A latest magazine,please.
- Only one copy of the magazine is left .Would you like to have it
it == the only one copy that is left .

A it.......

it=the only one left

latest 根据中文 补全句子1比起看一个糟糕电视节目.我更喜欢读书.I —— ——books—— —— a bad TV programme.2你认为这部电影怎么样?—— —— —— —— —— this movie?3这份杂志每月出一期.the magazin 1、 want,work,a,i,to,foe,magazin(连词成句) ? . ——A latest magazine, please.——Only one left.   Would you like to have ____?  A. it B. one C. this D. that 63605:i am very glad that your latest work has met with a favorable reception.1—i am very glad that your latest work has met with a favorable reception.翻译:我非常高兴你最近的工作遇到了好的效果。i am very glad that:我非 — Have you heard the latest news? —No, what______?— Have you heard the latest news?—No, what______?A.is it B.is there C.are they D.are those 选哪个?为什么?请详细解答.谢谢 really?Who will give----lecture?What is it about?——professor Chen,-----president of BeijingUniversity .It's about the latest development of modern physics.A the;a B a;/C a;the D The ;/选什么为什么 求解答:A latest Yangzhou Daily,please!——Only one copy left.Would you like to have ___ ,sir? A.one B.it C.this D.that copy left是什么意思? 1.— Must we hand in our homework now?— _______A.Yes,you will.B.Yes,you mustn’t .C.No,you needn’t.D.No,you mustn’t.2.— Do you think I could borrow these magazines?— _______A.No,you can’t.B.You could borrow other magazines.C.The magazin 希望大家帮忙翻译下啊,谢谢啦~~~~~~~In this model,appropriate symbolic images that represent sender must chose and encode a message (start the transfer of meaning by choosing that meaning)For example;the publishers of Rolling Stone Magazin 英语翻译Advertising is the name given to the process of commercial promotion of goods and services in order to increase its sales.Advertising can be done by means of a number of mediums like television,newspapers,wall paintings,billboards,magazin 英语翻译It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on,say,ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass-rubbing (拓印品)—something which had only vaguely interested yo 英语被动式whit more than 200 million views workdwide ,the latest video gangnan styly __ very popular since ——it.A.has become:was uploaded B.became ;uploaded C.became:was uploaded D.has become;is uploaded .此选·A,我不明白为什么后 With the Internet ,people can get the __news within the __time A.later,shorter B.latest,shortestWith the Internet ,people can get the __news within the __timeA.later,shorter B.latest,shortest C.latest,shorter D.later,shortest The latest research shows that stress smoking and lack of exercise are the main reasons forheart disease the latestmeans_____?A last B recent C most fashionable D most lately就是latest在句子中是什么意思? They have built a hope school in hefei ( )A laterB lateC latelyD latest是现在完成时 At the school meeting ,the headmaster suggestes the teathers receive_education to catch up with the_development.A farther;late B farther; latest Cfurther;late D further ;latest Have you seen the latest movie?--YesHave you seen the latest movie?--Yes,I have.I ____it last night.A.seen.B.will seeC.have seen.D.saw