should the woman go back home?

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should the woman go back home?
should the woman go back home?

should the woman go back home?

go back home for what?




should the woman go back home? 英译中的题目1.What’s the woman’s idea?They should read a newspaper first.They should do some shopping first.They should go to the cinema first.2.Where was the woman last week?She stayed at home.She was on a holiday in France.She went to Fra go,the,woman,and,the,man,by,bus,there(.)连句成句 where does the woman go?这句话的意思 The woman was too tired to go farther.同义句 Help me understand the sturucture of the sentence below.Thx loads:)rather than i should marry another woman,there are no lengths to which she would not go—none.——Structure! ...Anna:Great!I want to buy a new blouse at the mall,too.Woman:What kind are you going to buy?Maybe I should go with you.Anna:Aw,Mom.I'm not a child.I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Woman:Well,I just want to be sure you If you go to Britain,it is a good idea to ask people there about m___.when a man is walking with a woman ,he should always hold open fo her.and let her go t___ first.when a man is walking along a road with a lady,he should always walk near the t___ . You should go see the dentist You should go to seYou should go see the dentistYou should go to see the doctor两句句子中,go和go to有什麼分别? A man and a woman are walking,onwhich side should the man walk? an old woman fell down to the ground and couldn't move 以she should句式 when a man loves a woman what should the man do Should a woman be expected to do all the house work while she is working 英语翻译you should not feel too guilty that you didn't stop to approach the woman,it is not always safe to go near strangers on the street,however,we should always find a way to help people if we can一起翻译一下, The woman you should look after until she pass away 什么意思The woman you should look after until she pass away who is your mother! I wish that you should understand my word! 具体什么意思 英语翻译We should-------- ---------- ------------ the fine weather to go hiking. she should go to the party同义句 you should go to see the doctor怎么问