英语翻译1 她很怕黑,尤其是打雷下雨的夜晚,会用被子蒙上自己.2 经常不吃早饭或是不按时吃饭,容易的胃病3 这是我的失职,我愿意接受任何处罚4 这样的结果,也许是一种报应.5 他匿名发表了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:52:03

英语翻译1 她很怕黑,尤其是打雷下雨的夜晚,会用被子蒙上自己.2 经常不吃早饭或是不按时吃饭,容易的胃病3 这是我的失职,我愿意接受任何处罚4 这样的结果,也许是一种报应.5 他匿名发表了
1 她很怕黑,尤其是打雷下雨的夜晚,会用被子蒙上自己.
2 经常不吃早饭或是不按时吃饭,容易的胃病
3 这是我的失职,我愿意接受任何处罚
4 这样的结果,也许是一种报应.
5 他匿名发表了一个新闻 / 他写了一封举报信
6 看着大楼里走来走去的美女,他在想自己什么时候能娶到一个美女.
7 她看起来根本不像是个孕妇
8 天气忽冷忽热的,要多注意别感冒了
9 他很喜欢网上和美女聊天
10 明天我可以睡个懒觉了
11 让他多睡一会 / 让他再睡10分钟
12 原来你也在熬夜哦,我坚持不住了,先睡了

英语翻译1 她很怕黑,尤其是打雷下雨的夜晚,会用被子蒙上自己.2 经常不吃早饭或是不按时吃饭,容易的胃病3 这是我的失职,我愿意接受任何处罚4 这样的结果,也许是一种报应.5 他匿名发表了
1. She is very afraid of the dark, especially during nights when there's a thunderstorm. She will cover herself up with her blankets.
2. Not eating breakfast or not eating on time often will make you more prone to stomach disease.
3. This was a result of my neglect, so I'm willing to accept any punishments.
4. This kind of result is retribution.
5. He published a news article anonymously / He wrote a report.
6. As he saw the chicks walking in the large building, he thought about when he would be able to marry one.
7. She doesn't look like a pregnant woman at all.
8. The weather varies a lot, be careful not to get a cold.
9. He really enjoys going online to chat with chicks.
10. Tomorrow I can sleep in.
11. Let him sleep a while longer / let him sleep 10 more minutes.
12 You're staying up too! I can't keep going any longer, I'm gonna go sleep.
嘿嘿,有些地方用了比较口语的说法,比如 gonna~

1.She is very afraid of darkness,especially when it is thundering and rainning outside,and she will cover herself with quilt.
2,It is easy for us to have gastrosia if we often don't have breakfast...


1.She is very afraid of darkness,especially when it is thundering and rainning outside,and she will cover herself with quilt.
2,It is easy for us to have gastrosia if we often don't have breakfast at all or not have it regularly.
3.It is because of my dereliction of duty and I am willing to be punished in any way.
4.It is probably a kind of retribution that things result in this.
5.He published a piece of news anonymously./He wrote a letter for accusation.
6.Seeing the beautiful women pacing backwards and forwards,he was wondering when he could marry such one.


1.She is very afraid of the dark, especially at the night of thunderstorms, she will quilt herself.
2.Always not breakfast or not diet on times will likely to suffer from stomach problems.


1.She is very afraid of the dark, especially at the night of thunderstorms, she will quilt herself.
2.Always not breakfast or not diet on times will likely to suffer from stomach problems.
3.It’s my fault; I am willing to accept any penalties.
4.This may be retribution.
5.He anonymously publ;ished one news. / Hw wrote a complaint letter. (He wrote a report letter.)
6. Watching the beautiful women walking around at the building, he dreamed when he could
marry a beautiful woman.


1.She is very afraid of darkness,especially when it is thundering and rainning outside,and she will cover herself with quilt then.
2,It is easy for us to have gastrosia if we often don't have brea...


1.She is very afraid of darkness,especially when it is thundering and rainning outside,and she will cover herself with quilt then.
2,It is easy for us to have gastrosia if we often don't have breakfast at all or not have it regularly.
3.It is because of my dereliction of duty and I am willing to be punished in any way.
4.It is probably a kind of retribution that things result in this.
5.He published a piece of news anonymously./He wrote a letter for accusation.
6.Seeing the beautiful women pacing backwards and forwards,he was wondering when he could marry such one.
7.She doesn't look like a gravida at all.
8.The weather is changable in temperature,so please take good care of yourself to avoid catching a cold.
9.He really likes to chat with beautiful women on the Internet.
10. I am able to sleep late tomorrow!
11.Let him sleep more/Let him sleep for another 10 minutes.
12.Actually you're also staying up! I can't stay up any longer, so I'm about to go to bed.
