I passed the exam and I began to feel good about it中为什么不可以用in,with或on而用about呢?急呀,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:51:42

I passed the exam and I began to feel good about it中为什么不可以用in,with或on而用about呢?急呀,
I passed the exam and I began to feel good about it

I passed the exam and I began to feel good about it中为什么不可以用in,with或on而用about呢?急呀,
feel good about 固定结构 对--高兴、满意

about是关于某件事,in是在……中,一般是物体或一段时间,例如in the desk,in an hour,on是在什么表面或是某一天(on Sunday),with表伴随,供参考