The environment is getting waste because of the p________we bring to the earth.这篇文章!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:23:58

The environment is getting waste because of the p________we bring to the earth.这篇文章!
The environment is getting waste because of the p________we bring to the earth.这篇文章!

The environment is getting waste because of the p________we bring to the earth.这篇文章!

我猜测这句话是想说:流泪是因为心里不舒服,情绪低落。但是这位作者的英文真是不敢恭维。我觉得应该这么说: Running with tears, for heart was broken


sb 前面是 worse不是 waste ,这么简单的完形填空也不会,你是不是在做一张卷子,一张大的,一张小的,如果是,这篇文章应该是iii(B)篇