请问刚刚考完的四级听力 18.W:This picnic sure beats the last one we went to,doesn’t it?  M:Oh yeah,we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing the weather is cooperative this time.  Q:What do we learn about the speakers from

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:56:50

请问刚刚考完的四级听力 18.W:This picnic sure beats the last one we went to,doesn’t it?  M:Oh yeah,we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing the weather is cooperative this time.  Q:What do we learn about the speakers from
18.W:This picnic sure beats the last one we went to,doesn’t it?
  M:Oh yeah,we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing the weather is cooperative this time.
  Q:What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?

请问刚刚考完的四级听力 18.W:This picnic sure beats the last one we went to,doesn’t it?  M:Oh yeah,we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing the weather is cooperative this time.  Q:What do we learn about the speakers from
B they didn't enjoy the last picnic


请问刚刚考完的四级听力 18.W:This picnic sure beats the last one we went to,doesn’t it?  M:Oh yeah,we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing the weather is cooperative this time.  Q:What do we learn about the speakers from 刚刚考过的四级成绩什么时候出来? 四级听力如何考过 我四级刚刚过,想在明年的时候把托福考了,请问从现在开始我应该看哪方面的托福书籍呢? 四级听力怎么考各位考过四级的哥哥姐姐们,那个听力怎么考啊?多长时间?是给预备设备还是自己带? 请教一下要考英语六级该怎么复习,刚刚过了我四级成绩总分:459听力:171阅读:162综合:33写作:93,也不 我四级估分大概55分,刚刚考的四级,按百分制算也就55分, 我六月份应该考英语四级还是六级?2009年12月的四级我考了428,刚刚及格,挺幸运的.其中听力125(这个太差太差了),阅读172,综合42(完型没时间做,全蒙C),作文89.我听力一向不好,考四级之前一 四级听力比较差,怎样考过四级? 我英语很菜很菜很菜,四级纯粹是运气,怎么突击马上要考的6级啊我英语很菜,四级纯粹是运气,刚刚过线,马上要考6级了,请问哪位朋友有没有必考单词,就是这些天可以背完的,还有怎么突击啊, 刚刚考了bec中级,就觉得听力难,请问我可以报考pets5级吗?还是说pets4级更适合我? 09年12月考的四级及格要多少分我去年12月那次考的四级,刚刚出成绩了,但请问是多少分及格,要确切的答案,最好给出答案的来源. 请问上午刚刚考完的2013年6月四级作文是什么 今年重庆四级怎么考的?刚刚考了四级听说今年是花卷 我是在重庆考得 那么请问我一个考场的同学试卷是一样的么?如果是 你有重庆的四级卷子么?主要是想对下答案 因为卷子交上去了 自己 刚刚考过四级,听力139,阅读168,综合45,写作77,下半年要考六级我要从哪方面做准备啊……听力现在有晚上天天在听,但那个voa的有些太快听不明白,这样坚持到考试有提高没啊,是要听六级真题的 练4级听力听什么好求大神帮助我想考过四级!呵呵.请问下我该听什么,从哪里能下载?不要那种枯燥的听力.谢谢 今年12月的大学四级英语 多题多卷 听力怎么考 请问英语四级成绩是怎么评定的我今年大二,上年考的四级,考了574,听力:211阅读:196综合:59写作:108这个成绩是什么水平对这个比较无知.希望各位大大能指教.