英语翻译I jumped suddenly forward to grasp a solid cork just as the surface shale(页岩)underfoot dropped downward and disappeared in the valley

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:31:38

英语翻译I jumped suddenly forward to grasp a solid cork just as the surface shale(页岩)underfoot dropped downward and disappeared in the valley
I jumped suddenly forward to grasp a solid cork just as the surface shale(页岩)underfoot dropped downward and disappeared in the valley

英语翻译I jumped suddenly forward to grasp a solid cork just as the surface shale(页岩)underfoot dropped downward and disappeared in the valley

先改换一个词 cork -> cord, 再来翻译:
cork - 软木, 软木塞
cord - 绳, 长绳
I jumped suddenly forward to grasp a solid cord just as the surface shale(页岩)underfoot dropped downward and disappeared in the valley...


先改换一个词 cork -> cord, 再来翻译:
cork - 软木, 软木塞
cord - 绳, 长绳
I jumped suddenly forward to grasp a solid cord just as the surface shale(页岩)underfoot dropped downward and disappeared in the valley
就在那地面的岩石坠落而消失于山谷中的 时候/刹那, 我赶忙往前一跳, 抓住了一根登山绳。
(要是抓到的是软木, 这作者大概没命了。)
