急求一篇英语作文主要是 the difference between rural and urban areas,从细小方面着手,如服装,食物,生活节奏等.大概500字左右,大二水准.谢谢了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:31:01

急求一篇英语作文主要是 the difference between rural and urban areas,从细小方面着手,如服装,食物,生活节奏等.大概500字左右,大二水准.谢谢了
主要是 the difference between rural and urban areas,从细小方面着手,如服装,食物,生活节奏等.大概500字左右,大二水准.谢谢了

急求一篇英语作文主要是 the difference between rural and urban areas,从细小方面着手,如服装,食物,生活节奏等.大概500字左右,大二水准.谢谢了
At present China's rural and urban problems are beyond the general "urban-rural gap" period,but "urban-rural free" to a very serious and intensifying the point,we must take decisive and effective measures to prevent the critical moment.The acceleration of rural and urban free,forming two almost isolated form of society.How to deal with deal with this situation will affect the overall revitalization of the Chinese nation,rural areas account for nearly 70% of the population can not be ignored.
In rural areas,due to overpopulation,relative land,water and other natural resources,particularly arable land is extremely scarce,in a fit state per-capita cultivated area is usually only a few minutes,the best,but one or two acres.In the meantime,the growing surplus of labor and decentralized form of management of the agricultural machine鎮坱he pace of technology is extremely slow,because of space management for large sparse chaos,the family planning policy is not strictly enforced and the farmers the concept of the rural population ignorant and backward also increased with impunity,consume poor accumulation.
So little resources such as per capita arable land out of agricultural production is extremely limited,except for their basic living and feeding livestock access to animal protein consumption,the Paying taxes in exchange for their daily basic living need to use the remaining can be used for other than food and clothing "luxury" exchange of agricultural products is close to zero (the total growth of agricultural products to farmers little effect on the per capita amount of agricultural products,and prices fall,farmers have less money,the influence of the international agricultural market can not be ignored.),not to mention the personal petty bourgeois a small technology investment,investment in education ......If there is no improvement of crop varieties,especially the father of hybrid rice,Yuan Longping of the invention and popularization and application of agricultural technology over the years the accumulation of very low yield per mu in the original situation,the scarcity of arable land per capita is almost it difficult to maintain the survival of farming himself.Therefore,the rural market demand for very low and difficult to improve,even to self-sufficiency of the peasant economy of feudal society,but only by so doing (land distributed) Bu Zhiyu order to maintain the vast majority of the farmers lost their land,lost the basic living conditions.In rural areas,not only the per capita scarcity of natural resources,that is,in infrastructure such as roads,transportation,electricity,direct education,information networks,and other social resources are also extremely rare,which in turn affected the farmers the concept of change and the absorption of knowledge and technology,education and agriculture enough information to make the situation worse in rural areas.
Even if a small number of farmers to seek jobs in cities,but this type of employment can only meet a few people and not persistent.The huge drop in the bucket in terms of rural surplus labor,and are all laboring junior workers,Gongben low,income is not,after the progress of science and technology,but getting less.Hard down a few thousand dollars a year also,in addition to family income,for housing repairs,chemists and health (illness and death,people's common sense,for farmers,the money to fate,the money is a doctor,due to the scarcity of medical resources,Farmers see a doctor is more complicated,costs more),have been depleted,a few lucky farmers might have been outside of food and clothing can also buy "luxury",but someone's without incident.And finally to investment in education has been close to zero,due to increasing population,consumption,in the original population,based on the investment in education is still not enough,let alone put on the new population.Thus,in the rural areas form a vicious circle:poor,backward - Health - poorer,more backward.
However,in cities,because of relatively high quality of the population,infrastructure,better than complete,information-rich ......international exchanges are increasingly frequent and freedom of trade and transport facilitation,to industrial enterprises,raw materials can come from domestic,but also depend on the international markets,industrial products by urban and minority rural consumption,can also be dependent on exports.In addition to agricultural technology,the information industry is far from the rural areas.And the urban population's survival is also due to international market price of agricultural products with low quality,rich variety,tariffs tend to rely on cheaper imports,in rural areas rely on a weakening trend.This trend is joining the WTO,will be more obvious as time goes on.In fact,in developed countries,because high levels of agricultural technology,farmers commandment of large scale machine production and processing,farm products quality,quantity,price cheap,so the Government has to carry out agricultural subsidies,to encourage exports,you will not be so Farmers suffer even more losses.The United States "farmers" and even make money because farmers do not wash their hands and quit.
To sum up,rural and urban trends in free will be exacerbated.Are most worried about more and more static than in rural areas lagging behind closed; while the city's increasingly well-developed modern and international,rural and urban areas are increasingly coordinated,and are not synchronized.The status quo of China's rural and more urban population less comprehensive regeneration of the Chinese nation is inseparable from the vast rural areas and prosperity.

