高中英语必修一Unit 1 frendship用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)When he was young ,hr went to ______ to study________.(German)(2)Actually all these _______ made their___________in the USA before 1914.(settle)(3)Please cle

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 06:54:40

高中英语必修一Unit 1 frendship用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)When he was young ,hr went to ______ to study________.(German)(2)Actually all these _______ made their___________in the USA before 1914.(settle)(3)Please cle
高中英语必修一Unit 1 frendship
(1)When  he  was  young ,hr  went  to  ______ to  study________.(German)
(2)Actually  all  these _______  made   their___________in  the  USA  before  1914.(settle)
(3)Please  clean  the  _________windows   after  school.(dust)
(4)They  are  discussing  how  to  build  up  a  ________government.(power)
(5)It  was  strange  that  this  __________lady  enjoyed  her ________.by  living________.(lone)
(6)His  angry  expression  suggested  he__________to  the   decision.(agree)
(7)To  be  more  _________,there  are  3,262  students  in  their  school  now.(exactly)
(8)As  far  as  I  am______,I  dislike  this  crazy  ides.(concern)
从concern  oneself  with/in,  concern  oneself   about/for,  show  concern   for ,with  concern,as  far  as  one  is  concerned中选出合适的词语完成下列小段落
Dr.Green______gaining  a  better  life  for  women .She______women's  working  conditions  and  healthy.She  also _______great  ______the  wonmen  in  the  countryside.____,it  is  a  great  happiness  to  do  what  she  can  to  help  women.

高中英语必修一Unit 1 frendship用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)When he was young ,hr went to ______ to study________.(German)(2)Actually all these _______ made their___________in the USA before 1914.(settle)(3)Please cle
3.dusty 布满灰尘的
4.powerful 强大的
5.lonely 孤独的,loneliness 孤独,alone 独自
6.disagreed 不同意
7.exact (to be more exact更确切地说)
8.concerned (as far as I'm concerned 就我而言 )
concerned herself with
concerned herself about
showed,concern for
As far as she is concerned