Lesson Ten is__of the two lessons.A.difficulter B.more difficult C.the more difficult D.difficult

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:56:37

Lesson Ten is__of the two lessons.A.difficulter B.more difficult C.the more difficult D.difficult
Lesson Ten is__of the two lessons.A.difficulter B.more difficult C.the more difficult D.difficult

Lesson Ten is__of the two lessons.A.difficulter B.more difficult C.the more difficult D.difficult
两课里面比较难的一课,自然用比较级“more difficult”
如:Choosing the more difficult path requires that we adopt a certain mindfulness as we go about our business.

difficult的比较级只有more difficult 故排除A
是比较级 排除D
最高级采用 the 坐前面的冠词 排除C

C 指。。。中较。。。的一个 不一定只有最高级前面才用the

Lesson Ten is__of the two lessons.A.difficulter B.more difficult C.the more difficult D.difficult Lesson Ten is more difficult than Lesson Nine的同义句Lesson Ten is _____ ____ _____ _____ Lesson Nine. we are going to learn ____tomorrowA Lesson TenthB Lesson TheC Tenth LessonD The lesson Ten Another way of saying Lesson 12 is ( )A.Lesson ten-two B.Lesson Ten-second C.the Twelfth Lesson D.Twelfth lesson 同义句lesson ten is more difficult than lesson ninelesson nine is ___ ___ ___ lesson ten三个空 ——Do you like——very much?——Yes,I think——is very interesting——Do you like——very much?——Yes,I think——is very interestingA.12th Lesson.12th Lesson.B.Lesson 12.the 12th Lesson.C.Lesson 12.the 12th Lesson.D.Lesson 12th.the ——Do you like——very much?——Yes,I think——is very interesting——Do you like——very much?——Yes,I think——is very interestingA.12th Lesson.12th Lesson.B.Lesson 12.the 12th Lesson.C.Lesson 12.the 12th Lesson.D.Lesson 12th.the lesson lesson lesson april 10th读那个十号是ten还是tens呢? it is past half ten?对half past ten提问 i am having a science lesson?对having a science lesson提问 when is your art lesson?a at 10o 'clock b it's half past ten Our English lesson is 【at half past ten】就划线部分提问 have more PE lesson是什么意思from one to ten的意思 The 3th lesson is easy这个句子哪里错了 ( )2.She ____ a music lesson at ten o'clock.A.have B.has C.is D.does 趣味英语造句write an sentence with at least ten “th” sounds