这句英语有语病吗Sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to the perdon who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when chatting on the internet.I sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to a friend who is a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:38:21

这句英语有语病吗Sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to the perdon who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when chatting on the internet.I sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to a friend who is a
Sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,
but say to the perdon who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when chatting on the internet.
I sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to a friend who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when I am chatting with him on the internet.如果改成这样呢

这句英语有语病吗Sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to the perdon who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when chatting on the internet.I sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to a friend who is a
是不是想说:“我坐在电脑前面,心情很糟糕,但却对一个心情很不好的朋友说,你应该振作起来.”我觉得第一句“Sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to the perdon who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when chatting on the internet.”缺乏主语,虽说有可能是祈使句,但祈使句一般是在命令、请求或劝告的语境下.但是第二句“I sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to a friend who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when I am chatting with him on the internet.”“say”这个词一般是I say that……所以可以改成“I talk to a friend and say that he should be happy when chatting with me on the internet.”或者把say改成tell




看你是按照标准的英语来理解还是按照口语来理解喽,如果按标准英语来说 没主语最大的毛病 口语的话就无所谓了

I am depressed in front of my computer and chatting with my friend by internet who also had bad mood, but now he should be happy after chat with me.


I am depressed in front of my computer and chatting with my friend by internet who also had bad mood, but now he should be happy after chat with me.
首先你的句子语序不对,前面两句可以合成一句而且尽量简单,后面那句太长又不明确,可以分成两段,和朋友说话不是SAY,而是TALK. 你那句ALSO IN A BAD MOOD THAT。。。。这个句子不能接THAT从句,因为是转折而不是承接关系。


Sitting in front of the computer, i felt depressed. my friend who chatted with me on the internet was also in a bad mood at that time. But i told him that he should be happy when chatting with me ...


Sitting in front of the computer, i felt depressed. my friend who chatted with me on the internet was also in a bad mood at that time. But i told him that he should be happy when chatting with me online . 让人觉得难理解的是“say to a friend" ,觉得"tell" 较好;还有 felling depressed" 现在分词作为状语放在句末,不太恰当,常见的是放在于句首;


改之前是有语病的,改后还是有。but是连词,前后连接两句完整的句子,而改后but后面的句子没有主语。可以改成下面这样:[Dispressedly sitting in front of computer],I tell a friend (who is also in bad mood) that{ he should be happy when chatting with me on internet}.



有语病,是run-on sentence,没有结构。应该这样写:
I sit in front of the computer, feeling depressed. However, when chatting with a friend, who was in the same bad mood, on the Internet, I told him to be happy.



这句英语有语病吗Sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to the perdon who is also in a bad mood that he should be happy when chatting on the internet.I sit in front of the computer,feeling depressed,but say to a friend who is a Do you have a happy smile in your face ,today .这句英语有语病吗 I sit in front of her.(同义句转换) [英语] into the opposite 这句短语有语病吗? If you sit in front,you will see clearly的同义句句式是-----in front,-----you will see clearly She ()(sit)in front of the computer. 谁帮我看看这句英语有语病吗?i am flying in the heaven我在天堂里飞. 帮忙看看这句英语句子有语病吗?We are both in each other's sights for the light reflexed from you. 这句英语有语病吗?可是该怎么翻译好呢 这句英语有语病吗?Heart to give dare you either I cover the distance in five minutes when I go to school.这句话有语病吗?有语病的话指出错误的地方并改正全句 my love is in front of you中文意思是什么如题,有语病么? Do you sit in the front row?这句话哪里有错? she is making a cake对 making a cake提问 I sit in front of her 同义句转换 do you like __ __ the classroom A.to sit ; in front B.sit; in front C.sitting ; in front D.sitting ; in the front of We'll sit in the front so that we can hear the speaker more clearly.(变成简单句)We'll sit in the front __ __ __ hear the speaker more clearly. 请把There is a beer can in front of our这句英语纠错 英语请填一下空Alice usually______(sit) in the front of the classroom,but she ______(sit) at the back this morning.