
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:46:11


1order的意思是 命令;名词或动词
如 He ordered that all of us (should) leave at once.
He gave an order that all of us (should) leave at once.
2 order 订购(及物动词),订单(名词)
We have ordered enough books this term
we have placed an order for 500 copies of books
3.短语in order to 为了.(可放在主句之前,之后(之后时=so as to ) / in order that ...
In order to catch the first bus,i'll get up early tomorrow morning
I'll get up early tomorrow morning in order that i can catch the first bus

order一般的意思是命令的意思,order有时候是订单的意思,order的短语有in order to 是为了的意思,还有in order that+从句