15个英语单选~16.It’s no use _______with him over the matter.He will not change his mind.A.you argue\x05 \x05B.your arguing\x05 C.of you arguing\x05 \x05D.you to argue17.\x05The early pioneers had to\x05_____ many hardships to settle in the new

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 06:46:43

15个英语单选~16.It’s no use _______with him over the matter.He will not change his mind.A.you argue\x05 \x05B.your arguing\x05 C.of you arguing\x05 \x05D.you to argue17.\x05The early pioneers had to\x05_____ many hardships to settle in the new
16.It’s no use _______with him over the matter.He will not change his mind.
A.you argue\x05 \x05B.your arguing\x05
C.of you arguing\x05 \x05D.you to argue
17.\x05The early pioneers had to\x05_____ many hardships to settle in the new land.
A.go into\x05 \x05B.go through\x05
C.go back on\x05 \x05D.go along with
18.\x05Some members of the committee were opposed______ the club members’ money to redecorate the meeting hall.
A.to use\x05 \x05\x05B.to using\x05
C.to have use\x05 \x05D.to be used
19.\x05______,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.
A.When well fitted\x05 \x05B.When fitting well
C.When being well fitted\x05 \x05D.If to be fitted
20.Through the window______.
A.did the fresh air come\x05 \x05B.came the fresh air
C.did come the fresh air\x05 \x05D.the fresh air came
21.\x05I’d rather the money went to a\x05______cause.
A.worthwhile\x05 \x05B.value\x05
C.worth\x05 \x05D.worthy of
22.Law and medicine are _____ professions in most countries.
A.respective\x05 \x05B.respected\x05
C.respectable\x05 \x05D.respectful
23._______with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
A.When compared\x05 \x05B.Compare\x05
C.While comparing \x05D.Comparing
24.The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question:who says ______ through what channel to whom?
A.how\x05 \x05B.when\x05
C.what\x05 \x05D.such
25.No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire_______ to observe carefully.
A.as\x05 \x05B.than\x05
C.and\x05 \x05D.but
26.When______,this building will be the highest in Asia.
A.completing\x05 \x05B.it completes\x05
C.completed\x05 \x05D.it completed
27._______,he failed to find a solution to the problem.
A.Whatever he tried hard\x05 \x05B.Whatever hard he tried
C.However he tried hard\x05 \x05D.However hard he tried
28.This problem is very difficult to deal with.It’s really_______.
A.convincing\x05 \x05B.serious\x05
C.tough\x05 \x05D.impossible
29.Unless you do something really bad,______.
A.your job here will be quite safe\x05B.you’ll soon find a new job
C.you’ll be in big trouble D.you’ll be fired
30.You are so lazy.The work _______ days ago.
A.should have been finished\x05B.must have finished
C.must be finished\x05 D.should be finished

15个英语单选~16.It’s no use _______with him over the matter.He will not change his mind.A.you argue\x05 \x05B.your arguing\x05 C.of you arguing\x05 \x05D.you to argue17.\x05The early pioneers had to\x05_____ many hardships to settle in the new
16.It’s no use _______with him over the matter.He will not change his mind.
C.of you arguing\x09【no use doing 固定搭配】 \x09
17.The early pioneers had to\x09_____ many hardships to settle in the new land.
B.go through\x09【克服,历经磨烂、艰辛】
18.Some members of the committee were opposed______ the club members’ money to redecorate the meeting hall.
A.to use\x09 【be opposed to:反对( 固定搭配)】\x09\x09
19.______,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.
A.When well fitted\x09 \x09【条件状语从句】
20.Through the window______.
B.came the fresh air 【倒装】
21.I’d rather the money went to a ______ cause.
22.Law and medicine are _____ professions in most countries.
C.respectable\x09 【受人尊敬的】
23._______with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
A.When compared\x09 \x09【被比较】
24.The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question:who says ______ through what channel to whom?
C.what\x09 【what作says的宾语,后面一句意为:谁通过什么方式对谁说了什么】 \x09
25.No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire_______ to observe carefully.
D.but 【no…but 固定搭配】
26.When______,this building will be the highest in Asia.\x09
27._______,he failed to find a solution to the problem.
D.However hard he tried 【however表程度,修饰hard】
28.This problem is very difficult to deal with.It’s really_______.
C.tough\x09 【棘手】
29.Unless you do something really bad,______.
A.your job here will be quite safe\x09【unless:除非,然后把两句倒过来读就易懂了】
30.You are so lazy.The work _______ days ago.
A.should have been finished\x09 【should have done:本应做却没做】

16. B. It's no use doing sth. 做什么事也没用。这里的doing 是一个动名词,它的使用方法与名词一致,既我们可以在它的前面加一个物主代词,就好像我们说my book 一样。
17. B.经历。 go into 进入;go back on 违背; go along with 与某人一起去。
18. B.固定搭配,be opposed to sth. /...


16. B. It's no use doing sth. 做什么事也没用。这里的doing 是一个动名词,它的使用方法与名词一致,既我们可以在它的前面加一个物主代词,就好像我们说my book 一样。
17. B.经历。 go into 进入;go back on 违背; go along with 与某人一起去。
18. B.固定搭配,be opposed to sth. / doing sth. 反对做某事
19. A. 眼镜如果佩戴合适的话,
20. B. 倒装句,因为动词是came, 主谓直接颠倒。
21. A. 形容词,“值得的”。我宁可这笔钱用在值当的事业上。
22. C. 令人尊敬的。respective 各自的;respected 令人尊敬的(必须是人做主语); respectful 表示对他人尊敬的。
23. A. 当与地球的整个面积做比较的时候
24. C. 谁通过什么渠道对谁说了什么
25. B. 表示比较,这时必须用than。对于一个科学家来说,没有什么品质比仔细观察更重要了。
26. C. 当完工时,这座大楼就是亚洲最高的(大楼)了。
27. D. 不管他怎么努力,他都没能找到解决这个问题的方法。
28. C. 形容词,棘手的。
29. A. 除非你做了糟糕透顶的事情,(否则)你的这份工作将非常安全。
30. A. should have done, 虚拟语气,表谴责:“你太懒了。这活儿几天前就应该做完了”。must have finished 表推测,一定做完了; must be finished 表命令,必须完成;should be finished表建议,应该完成。
