1、Maths is more popular than____A any other subject B all the subjects C ang subject D other subject2、China is larger than____in AfricaA ang other country B other counries C the other country D ang country3、Tom is stronger than____in his classA

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:27:35

1、Maths is more popular than____A any other subject B all the subjects C ang subject D other subject2、China is larger than____in AfricaA ang other country B other counries C the other country D ang country3、Tom is stronger than____in his classA
1、Maths is more popular than____
A any other subject B all the subjects C ang subject D other subject
2、China is larger than____in Africa
A ang other country B other counries C the other country D ang country
3、Tom is stronger than____in his class
A ang other boy B ang boys C ang boy D other boy
4、When spring comes,it gets____
A warm ang warm B colder and colder C warmer and warmer D shorter and shorter
5、By and by,____students in our class came to like English
A more and more B much and much C many and many D less and less
6、At last he began to cry___
A hard and hard B more hard and more hard C harder ang harder D less hard and less hard
7、When spring comes the days get____and nights____
A short;long B long;short C longer;shorter D shorter;longer
8、____I look at the picture,____I like it
A The best;the ,more B The more;the less C The more;less D More;the more
9、____he read the book,___he got in it
A The more;the more interesting B The less;the more interesting
C The more;the more interesting D More;more ingteresting
10、____you come bock,___it will be
A The quicker;the best B The sooner;the better
C Faster;the better B The sooner;better
11、I like___one of the two books
A the older B oldest C the oldest D older
12、Which is____country,China or Japan?
A the large B the larger C larger D lageest
13、Of the two cups,he bought
A the smaller B the smallest C small D smaller
14、Which do you like____,tea or coffee?
A well B better C best D most
15、This work is____for me than for you
A difficult B most difficult C much difficult D more difficult
16、Which do you think tastes____,the chicken or the fish?
A good B better C best D well
17、The Great pyramid is about 137 metres high today,but it was once
A higher B highest C high too D more high
18、Don't you think it____not to write the letter?
A well B better C best D good

1、Maths is more popular than____A any other subject B all the subjects C ang subject D other subject2、China is larger than____in AfricaA ang other country B other counries C the other country D ang country3、Tom is stronger than____in his classA
warmer and warmer 越来越温暖
more and more 越来越多的
cry harder and harder 哭得越来越厉害
the + 比较级...,the + 比较级...,意思是“越...,就越...”
the more,the more interest
指“两者之间更...的一个”用 the + 形容词比较级 + 名词/one + (of...)
后面有than,所以用比较级more difficult


Do you think English is more interesting than maths? Do you think English is more interesting than maths? Physics ____ more difficult than maths A is B are English is more important than maths(改为同义句) Math is______ ______ ______ _____English. Her Maths is not good ,She needs to ()(practise)it more. More one student ( )the answer to the difficult maths questions.A.is given B.has given which is easier / more easily to learn ,English or maths选哪个 what is maths english 哪位大大帮我给这个sat作文评分并提提意见 Assignment:Do people achieve more by cooperation than competition.ESSAY:It is undoubted that people achieve more by working together than just work as an individual.iPhone,one of the most popu 问一道英语的选择题的原因 I think Maths is _________than English...I think Maths is _________than English A much difficule B difficult C much more difficult D more much difficult Maths is more popular than( ).A.any ohter subject B.all the subjects C.any subject D.other subject Maths is more popular than__A.any other subject.B.all the subjectsC.any subjectD.other subject原因是什么 Which subject is ___ maths or chinese?横线上应填什么?选择A importantB much impoerantC more important this maths problem is more differicult than that one (同义句) Mary is taller than the other girlthis maths problem is more differicult than that one (同义句)this maths problem____ ____ ____ ____ that one Mary is taller than the other mr zhang is ----maths teacher English is-[use]than Maths -------------------------------------?His favorite subject is maths. ___ ___subject is maths.急````````````````````