
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:33:17


Hi buddy,how have you been these days?It has been a long time since we played badminton last time.As you know,there is something wrong with our group now.You know,more and more people left.
Well,could you do me a favor?I heard that you would come back to Shenzhen after the Chinese Cup Game in November.I was thinking if you could buy a ...for me when at Hongkong.Anyway thanks in advance.

Hay,mate! Get along will well in US? there's quite a period of time since last time you played badminton back China. And, I have one thing to ask your help.I hear from XX that you'll be back in ShenZh...


Hay,mate! Get along will well in US? there's quite a period of time since last time you played badminton back China. And, I have one thing to ask your help.I hear from XX that you'll be back in ShenZhen after you finish "Cup of Chinese" in Novenber. The thing is that I want to buy a XX cell phone. If you stop by HK, would you bring one for me?Thanks~


Hey, buddy! In the United States recently better? Long time no see you return to play badminton.In recent months the XX group out some condition, a bit troublesome, fewer and fewer people.For one thin...


Hey, buddy! In the United States recently better? Long time no see you return to play badminton.In recent months the XX group out some condition, a bit troublesome, fewer and fewer people.For one thing I want you to help,listen to XX said you played in November, "Chinese cup" competition will be back in shenzhen.In fact, is that i want to buy a xx.If you can help me by HK, buy? Thank!!!


英语翻译兄弟!最近在美国好过吗?很久没见你回来打羽毛球了.最近几个月XX的群里出了些状况,有点麻烦,人越来越少.对了,有件事情想请你帮忙,听XX说你11月份打完“华人杯”比赛会回来深圳. 最近怎么样?工作很繁忙吗?很久没见你了...帮我翻译英文 很久没见,你最近还好吗?翻译成英文 英语翻译.在很久很久以前 很久没见了,你们最近好,工作怎么样啊翻译成英语 英语翻译 你近来在忙些什么?我好像很久没见你了(be up to) 英语翻译想了很久,没想明白. 英语翻译tom,好久不见了,你知道jim最近在哪儿吗?他好久都没上网了,我也联系不到他,挺想他的,你知道他最近去哪了吗?最近在忙什么?回美国了吗?你要知道的话就快点儿回复我, 英语翻译兄弟,快过圣诞了,有啥打算?准备和家人一起在家休息 你呢我打算去xx市玩玩.我们家很久没一起行动了你就在家里?多没意思啊很漂亮的城市啊 我也很想去啊 只是和家人订好的在家里 “好想好想某人,已经很久没见过他了”求英语翻译. 英语翻译不要胡说八道的敷衍我,这是句广告词,我们几个兄弟一直在探讨的话题.是这个电视台的广告,想了很久没想出答案。TG4:1996年10月31日创办,爱尔兰语频道,主要针对爱尔兰人口。 很久没来给你留言了,你看得懂中文吗的英语翻译 很久没见 英语怎么读 英语翻译RT听了很久.还是没听懂. 大学英语六级好过吗 大学英语六级好过吗 英语四级好过吗? 英语六级好过吗?