
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:08:06


After breakfast,I plan to go to the supermarket to buy some apples.Then I will go to the park to fly a kite there.At11:30,I will go home.In the afternoon,I am going to play football with my friends.In the evening ,I will watch TV with my parents.

After breakfast,I am going to supermarket,and buy some apples,then go to park.In the park ,I want to sail the kite,about 11:30,I will go home.In the afternoon,I am going to play football with my friends.In the evening ,watch TV with my parents.

Go to supermarket to buy some apples after breakfast,and then go to park.Fly a kite in the park ,and go home in eleven thirty.Play football with freinds in the afternoon.Watch TV with parents at night.

After breakfast,I went to the supermarket and bought some apples,then went to the park,
In the park,I flew the kite and returned home at 11:30.
I played football with my friends in the afternoon,
I watched TV with my parents in the evening.

After breakfast , I am going to go to a supermarket to buy some apples . Then I will go to the park . In the park , I will fly a kite and return home at 11:30. I will play football with my friends in the afternoon , I will watch TV with my parents in the evening .

After breakfast,i plan to go shoping to buy some apples,then will to the park for kiteflying.at elven thirty I will return home .In the afternoon i will play football with my friens.and will watch tv with my parents in the evening.

英语翻译早餐后打算去超市,买一些苹果,然后去公园.在公园里,放风筝,十一点三十分回家.下午和朋友们一起踢足球.晚上和父母一起看电视 我去超市买了一些苹果用英语怎么说?/ 我去超市买了一些苹果用英语怎么说 今晚你打算干什么?我打算去买一些聚会用的食物.英语翻译? 他打算去买漫画书吗?英语翻译~ 妈妈去超市买了一些每千克3.5元的苹果,付出50元,找回了29元.妈妈买回苹果多少千克? 让我们去超市买一些水果吧.(用英文翻译) 我们昨天去超市买了一些东西.英文翻译 英语翻译让我们去超市买一些食品和饮料吧(翻译)whose bike is it?(同义句) 我想给他们买一些苹果 英语翻译 我们去超市买生日聚会用的食品 英语翻译 英语翻译今天是星期天,我想做健康的早餐给我的父母.我在6点钟起床,然后我去了菜市场,买了2个鸡蛋,一些牛奶和面包.当我回到家时,父母已经起床了,他们看到我买的东西后,非常快乐.但我才 早餐他喜欢吃苹果 的英语翻译 英语翻译假期打算去中国的一些地方旅游 如果有时间打算去考驾驶执照 根据中文提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,需要用过去完成时昨天星期天,李梅不上学,早餐后妈妈叫她去超市买些东西当李梅正在购物时一个外国人走进了超市,这个外国人不会讲中文,他想买 妈妈去超市买水果,买的苹果比橘子多10千克,橘子的重量是苹果的三分之二,买苹果、橘子各多少千克 甲乙两个超市相同的商品的原价相同,甲超市举办“所有的商品打八折”活动,乙超市举办“买五送一”活动.妈妈打算买10千克的苹果,到( )超市购买比较省钱? 妈妈买了一些梨和苹果,苹果比梨多20%,吃去苹果的4分之1,梨的5分之1后,苹果比梨多一个,买回苹果和梨多少个?