求修改英语作文语法和句子结构Yesterday,I got a fortune cookie.There was a fortune paper in it.The paper said:"In the future,your troubles will soon cease and good fortune will smile upon you."That was a great a point and excetly describe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:09:35

求修改英语作文语法和句子结构Yesterday,I got a fortune cookie.There was a fortune paper in it.The paper said:"In the future,your troubles will soon cease and good fortune will smile upon you."That was a great a point and excetly describe
Yesterday,I got a fortune cookie.There was a fortune paper in it.The paper said:"In the future,your troubles will soon cease and good fortune will smile upon you."That was a great a point and excetly described my curent situations-The trouble cease my fortune and not let me move forward.My trouble is that English learning puts so much preesure on me,because it alawys let me to fall into a emberassing situation when I comunicate with my friends or people.They mock and jeer my English speaking skills and pronunciations.Sometime I felt so disapponted and my life is going to be ruined,if I don't handle it well.Ideally,it would be great if I am going to change it.I would make more coversations with someone whose English is orally well.Then,speaking more with my friend ,but they have to esteem me at first.Furthermore,there are some others ways that offer to me to learn English nicely and conviniently.For example,watching English movie or TV.That was useful for my speaking ,because I can imitate and follow the actors' pronunciations to practice English Better.Finally,I hope my expiration will be real and the wonderful fortune soon come and smile upon me.

求修改英语作文语法和句子结构Yesterday,I got a fortune cookie.There was a fortune paper in it.The paper said:"In the future,your troubles will soon cease and good fortune will smile upon you."That was a great a point and excetly describe
Yesterday,I got a fortune cookie.Inside,there was a paper,which is said:" xxxxxx" That was a great point(这里不知道想表达什么..and exactly described my current situation-----The troubles ceased my fortune and my passion.My main trouble was that English learning exerts so much presure to me.Because my english level always made me fall into an embarassing situation when I comunicated with my friends or other people.They mocked and jeered my English speaking skills and pronunciations.Sometimes I felt so disappointed,just as my life was going to be ruined if I didn't handle it well.
Ideally,it would be great if I am going to change my situation actively.For example,it is possible for me to talk with those guys whose oral English is superb.Additionally,talking in English more with my friends who esteem me.Furthermore,watching English movies and Tv programs,which are quite useful to my English speaking,because I can imitate what speakers say then follow the actors' pronunciations.After practising more,my English must be better.Finally,I hope my expections will come true,and the wonderful fortune will also come soon and smile upon me.

句号改为that ,较短的句子可以用who ,which ,what 等来代替就行了,多用点谚语

急求英语句子结构和语法,加举例 求修改英语作文语法和句子结构Yesterday,I got a fortune cookie.There was a fortune paper in it.The paper said:In the future,your troubles will soon cease and good fortune will smile upon you.That was a great a point and excetly describe 英语句子 求修改 英语句子 求修改 求一些英语的句型结构和语法知识, 英语翻译鉴于审稿专家和编辑都提议修改论文中的英语错误,我们找了一位在美国工作7年的朋友帮助我们修改了稿件中的语法、拼写、句子的结构等错误,力争达到期刊的要求.求翻译, 英语不定式语法求英语不定式的语法,要句式和结构,用法和定义 英语作文常担心语法.还有句子结构错误怎么办吖 英语作文常担心语法.还有句子结构错误怎么办吖如题 求大虾帮忙修改一篇英语高中作文求改正语法错误 和把句子变的地道 谢谢图片 急求英语高手帮我修改一下一篇英语作文的句式和语法,在线等,不胜感激!五百多字的样子,好心人请留下邮箱,谢谢! 求英语高手修改英语作文帮我修改下语法方面的错误,不方便直接发这上面,有愿意修改的同学麻烦留邮箱交流, 求高手帮忙修改下一个英语论文摘要abstract,检查语法和句子,好的加分!不长,就150个字,有意者留下邮箱,主要是检查语法,句子结构,也可以提一些其他的修改建议,帮忙找下有没有Chinglish之类的 英语定语从句 求语法及结构 英语作文修改~求高手指出语法和结构上的错误(有加分)I think the most valuable personal quality of a university student is passion.Passion can not only help the university students keep a good momentum of studying the expertise 法语:il est arrivé bien des chose 求分析句子结构和语法. 怎样才能学会分析英语句子的语法结构? 大家帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构和语法,1.Seeing from the hilltop,I find the beatiful scene.这是语法结构?这是什么语法结构,漏写了“什么”