关于"nothing else to do but..."句子的问题1.下面句子中的else作什么句子成分?2.如果句子删掉else后和原来的句子(没有删掉else)有什么区别?There was nothing else to do but leave.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:23:20

关于"nothing else to do but..."句子的问题1.下面句子中的else作什么句子成分?2.如果句子删掉else后和原来的句子(没有删掉else)有什么区别?There was nothing else to do but leave.
关于"nothing else to do but..."句子的问题
There was nothing else to do but leave.

关于"nothing else to do but..."句子的问题1.下面句子中的else作什么句子成分?2.如果句子删掉else后和原来的句子(没有删掉else)有什么区别?There was nothing else to do but leave.
一、else 是形容词,常跟在疑问代词或不定代词后表示“另外的/其他的/别的/还有”,用作这类词的后置定语,如:
who else 别的哪个/些人、还有谁
what else 别的什么、还有什么
which else 另外的哪一个、还有哪一个
Whose else 另外什么人的
somebody else 另外一个人、别人
anyone else 另外的任何人
nothing else 别的什么也没有
little else 几乎没有别的
二、上述情况中如果去掉后置定语 else,语义就发生了改变,比如下面的四组句子:
What else did she say?她还说了些别的什么?——表示已经知道说过一些事情,想问的是另外还说了别的什么
What did she say?她还说了些什么?—— 只是问说过什么.
Little else remains to be done.几乎没有剩下别的事情要做了.——表示已经做过一些事,剩下的再也没有可做的了.
Little remains to be done.没有剩下什么事情要做的了.——表示原来就只剩下很少的事情可做.
There was nothing else to do but leave.除了离开再没有别的事情可做.——表示已经做过一些事,余外再也没有可做,只能离开.
There was nothing to do but leave.除了离开什么事情也做不了.——表示本来就不存在要做的事情,只能离开.
Would you like anything else to drink?你还要喝点别的什么吗?——已经喝过,想知道的是还想喝什么.
Would you like anything to drink?你还要喝点别的什么吗?——还没有喝过,想知道的是此刻想喝什么.

1. else意思是“其它的”,要放在疑问代词或复合不定代词后,个人理解它做的是定语修饰不定代词nothing,再如:Did you see anybody else?
There was nothing else to do but leave.(没有其它的事情了,只好离开)


1. else意思是“其它的”,要放在疑问代词或复合不定代词后,个人理解它做的是定语修饰不定代词nothing,再如:Did you see anybody else?
There was nothing else to do but leave.(没有其它的事情了,只好离开)
There was nothing to do but leave.(没有事做,只好离开)


Do you have ______ to say to us?A、anything else B、else nothing C、else anythingDo you have ______ to say to us?A、anything else B、else nothing C、else anything D、 nothing else Do you have ( )to do this afternoonA else anything B anything else C something else D nothing else 5.I don’t think there is _________ we need to do tonight.A anything else B else anything C.something else D nothing else Ask somebody_______ help you ,we can do nothing for you.A.else to B. else for C. to D.for 英语选择:I have----to tell you.A.nothing new elseB.else nothing newC.nothing else newD.new nothing else .I'm too full to eat ___.A nothing else B else nothing C anything else 6个关于not的短语,1.nothing but2.for nothing3.no thing to worry about4.good for nothing5.have nothing to do with6.nothing else The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forgot()A.anything B.else something C.else nothing D.everything else nothing else还是else nothing Sally came home,____.A.a dog following her B.a dog followed her C.being followed her D.a dog was followed her还有一道There____,we left.A.being nothing else to do B.is nothing else to doC.was nothing else to do D.having nothing else to do I have ------ to tell you.A.nothing new else B.nothing else new C.new nothing else 应选哪一个? I have ______ to tell you.A nothing new else B else nothing new C nothing else new I have _to tell you.A.else nothing B.nothing other C.nothing else D.other nothing Do you want_____?A.else anything B.else nothing C.anything else D.anything other could you say______about it,please?I'd licould you say______about it,please?I'd like to know morea.nothing else b.any else c.anything other d.something else 关于nothing else to do but...句子的问题1.下面句子中的else作什么句子成分?2.如果句子删掉else后和原来的句子(没有删掉else)有什么区别?There was nothing else to do but leave. 一道英语选择题:Do you want _____ A.else anything B.else nothing C.anything else D.anything 并写出解析还有一道题Don't arrive late____school next time A.to B.at C.in D.for Nothing else but后加doing还是to do