
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:38:54


1. 什麼叫做关系代名词?
例:I saw the girl who you talked about.
上例中,who叫做「关系代名词」,因为who代替名词(girl),故含有代名词的作用.再看who,它连接前面的子句(I saw the girl),又连接后面的子句(you talked about),故含有「连接词」的作用.
2. 关系代名词的格

先行词 主格 所有格 受格
人 who whose whom
动物;事物 which whose (=of which) which
人;动物;事物 that 没有 that
3. 什麼叫做先行词与形容词子句?
(1) 关系代名词所代替的名词或代名词,叫做「先行词(或称前述词)).
例:I saw the girl who you talked about. (我看过你们谈论的那个女孩.)
(先行词) (关系代名词,代替名词girl)
(2) 原则上,关系代名词与先行词须前后紧接在一起,「不可」分开.
例:I saw the girl who you talked about. ……………(O)
I saw the girl you talked about who. ……………(X)
(3) 关系代名词所引导的子句,叫做「形容词子句(或称关系子句)」,它用於修饰先行词.
例:I saw the girl who you talked about. (我看过你们谈论的那个女孩.)
名词 形容词子句
4. who, whose, whom的用法
who当主格,前面的先行词接「人」,后面接「动词」,who可用that 代替,形式如下:
形式1 先行词(人)+who(或that)+动词….
例:I like the boy who (that) has short hair.
人 who 动词
例:I like the boy who has short hair. ……………(O)
I like the boy has short hair. ……………(X)
例:I like the boy who has short hair. (我喜欢留短发的那位男孩.)
I like the boys who have short hair. (我喜欢留短发的那些男孩.)
形式2 先行词(人)+whose+名词 ….
例:The man whose eyes are big is Mr. Wu. (有著大眼睛的那位男士是吴先生.)
人 whose名词
例:I have a friend whose father is a doctor. (我有一位朋友,他的父亲是医生.)
人 whose 名词
形式3 先行词(人)+whom(或that)+主词+及物动词(或不及物动词+介系词)+….
例:The girl whom(that) I like is right there. (我喜欢的那女孩就在那里.)
人 whom 主词 及物动词
例:The man whom(that) you were talking about is my husband. (你在谈论的那位男士是我的丈夫.)
人 whom 主词 不及物动词 介系词
例:The girl (whom) I like is right there. (我喜欢的女孩就在那里.)whom可省略(因当受格).
例:The man (whom) you were talking about is my husband. whom可省略,因前面没有介系词.
例:The man about whom you were talking is my husband. whom不可省略,因前面出现介系词
例:The girl whom I like is right there. ……………(O)
The girl who I like is right there. ……………(O)
5. which,whose的用法
形式4 先行词(事物;动物)+which(或that)+动词 ….
例:Do you like the cat which(that) is under the chair?(你喜欢椅子下那只猫吗?)
物 which 动词
例:Do you like the cat which is under the chair? ……………(O)which当主词,不可省略.
Do you like the cat is under the chair? ……………………(X)
whose(某物的)当所有格,前面的先行词接「事物或动物」,后面接「名词」,可用“of which”代替,但「不可」用that,形式如下:
形式5 先行词(事物;动物)+whose+名词 ….
= 先行词(事物;动物)+名词+of which….
例:The house whose door is red is mine.
物 whose 名词
= The house the door of which is red is mine.
形式6 先行词(事物;动物)+which(或that)+主词+及物动词(或不及物动词+介系词).
例:Tina enjoys the food which(that) her mother cooks. (蒂娜喜欢她妈妈做的食物.)
物 which 主词 及物V
例:David knows the music which(that) you listen to. (大卫懂你听的音乐.)
物 which 主词 不及物+介系词
例:Tina enjoys the food (which) her mother cooks. which当受词,可省略.
例:David knows the music (which) you listen to. which可省略,因前面不接介系词.
David knows the music to which you listen. which不可省略,因前面接有介系词to.
6. 复合关系代名词what的用法
what在文法上可当复合关系代名词,用以指「事物」,它相当於the thing(s)[先行词]+which[关系代名词],或all that,因为what本身已含有先行词,故在句中,如「没有」先行词出现时,须用复合关系代名词what.
例:This is what I need. what=东西;事情
= This is the thing which I need. what的前面没有先行词.
7. 关系代名词that的特殊用法
(一) 先行词前面有「最高级」形容词时,常用that.
例:This is the best movie (that) I have ever seen. that是受格,可省略.
(二) 先行词是「人and动物」或「人and事物」时,常用that.
例:I saw Tom and his dog that were walking in the park.
人 动物
(三) 先行词前面有「序数」如the first(第一)…the last(最后)时,常用that.
例:He is the first boy that came this morning. that是主格,不可省略.
(四) 先行词前面有all(所有),no(没有),every(每一),any(任何),the only(唯一的),the same(同样的),the very(正是)等,常用that.
例:He is the only boy that can do it. that是主格,不可省略.
例:He is the very man (that) I met yesterday. that是受格,可省略.
(五) 疑问句的开头是who,which,what等,常用that.因为要避免“Who…who…?”或“Which…which…?”的重复.
例:Who is the boy that is wearing glasses? that是主格,不可省略.
8. 不可使用关系代名词that的场合
(一) 「介系词」如in(或on,at…)后面不可使用关系代名词that.
例:This is the house which(或that) he lives in. …………… (O)
This is the house he lives in. ………………………………(O)
This is the house in which he lives. ………………………(O)
This is the house in that he lives. …………………………(X)
(二) that(那个)如果当「指示形容词」,则前面可接介系词.
例:He lives in that house with his parents. that=那个,是指示形容词.
(三) 「逗号」后面不可使用关系代名词that.
例:John, who is your good friend, can help you. 注意逗点后面,不用that.
(四) 先行词是people(人),those(那些人)时,关系代名词用who,不可使用that.
例:People who can use their time well are happy.
9. 限定的形容词子句与补述的形容词子句之区别
(一) 如果先行词「没有明确」指出,就用限定的形容词子句.它的前面「没有逗点」.
例:My elder brother who is in America will come back to Taiwan tomorrow.
(二) 如果先行词「已经明确」指出,就用补述的形容词子句.它的前面「有逗点」.
例:My elder brother, who is in America, will come back to Taiwan tomorrow.
※ 形容词片语的意义、用法与位置
(一) 介系词片语可由「介系词+名词」结合而成,在文法上当「形容词」用.
(二) 此形容词片语通常放在名词或代名词(如one)的「后面」修饰.
例:I don’t like the cat on the floor. 形容词片语(on the floor)修饰名词(the cat).
例:I know the boy in a red jacket. 形容词片语in a red jacket修饰名词boy.
例:Who is the one with big eyes? with big eyes修饰代名词one.
= Who is the one who has big eyes?
(三) 形容词片语和形容词子句一样,都可放在名词的「后面」,加以修饰.有时两者可作代换.
例:We all like the girl in a white dress. 形容词片语.
= We all like the girl who is wearing a white dress. 形容词子句.
作定语的句子就叫作定语从句.定语从句所修饰、限定的词叫先行词.定语从句通常跟在和它发生关系的先行词之后,它与先行词有着不可分割的联系.它通常是由关系代词(who,whom, whose,that,which,as)和关系副词(where,when,why, how)来引导.关系代词、关系副词在从句中需担当成分,但无实际意义.初中阶段我们只要理解who,that,which这几个关系代词所引导的定语从句即可.
(1)Find the boy who is wearing a red shirt.找出穿红衬衫的那个男孩.(先行词是 the boy)
(2)He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉.(先行词是He)
(1)She told her mother all that had happened.她把所发生的事情都告诉了她的母亲.(先行词是all,that在从句中作主语)
(2)I'll buy you the bike(that)you saw in the shop yesterday.我要给你买昨天你在商店里看到的那辆自行车.(先行词是the bike, that在从句中作宾语)
(3)The village is no longer the village that it was before.这个村子不再是从前的那个村子了.(先行词是the village,that在从句中作表语)
(4)He that wants to eat the fruit must climb the tree.想吃果子的就得爬树.(先行词是指人的代词he,that在从句中作主语)
3.关系代词which.关系代词 which在从句中作主语或宾语,其先行词是指物的名词或代词.例如:
(1)They first went to a large room which looked like a shop.他们首先到一个很大的看起来像个商店的房间去了.(先行词是指物的名词a large room, which在句中作主语)
(2)Have you got anything which you'd like to buy?你有想要买的东西吗?(先行词是指物的代词anything,which在从句中作宾语)

是不是有些不对的地方?I saw the girl who you talked about. who 应该是you talked about.的宾语,因而用whom ,另外,Have you got anything which you'd like to buy? anything习惯因该用that来指代,而不能用which