两个有关定语从句的题一,Is this the factory__a lot of students visited yesterday?A.the one B.which C.who D.whomPS:二,I still remember the sitting-room__my mother and I used to sit in the evening.PS:这道只要告诉我是where还是that

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:19:58

两个有关定语从句的题一,Is this the factory__a lot of students visited yesterday?A.the one B.which C.who D.whomPS:二,I still remember the sitting-room__my mother and I used to sit in the evening.PS:这道只要告诉我是where还是that
一,Is this the factory__a lot of students visited yesterday?
A.the one B.which C.who D.whom
二,I still remember the sitting-room__my mother and I used to sit in the evening.

两个有关定语从句的题一,Is this the factory__a lot of students visited yesterday?A.the one B.which C.who D.whomPS:二,I still remember the sitting-room__my mother and I used to sit in the evening.PS:这道只要告诉我是where还是that
定语从句缺宾语,主语是a lot of students 谓语visit 是及物动词,所以缺宾语,用关系代词 that/ which /或省略
where my mother and I used to sit
中sit 是不及物动词,sit in the room , 因此用where

两个有关定语从句的题一,Is this the factory__a lot of students visited yesterday?A.the one B.which C.who D.whomPS:二,I still remember the sitting-room__my mother and I used to sit in the evening.PS:这道只要告诉我是where还是that 一道有关定语从句的选择题This is one of the best films( ).A.that have been shown this year B.that has been shown this year 有关定语从句的说明 有关定语从句:The dog is mine.It is running.改写为含定语从句的复合句是不是 The dog is that is running is mine.我感觉两个is 怪怪的,还有,关系代词还可以用别的吗? This is the book+that定语从句 这两个句子,哪个是对的,为什么,定语从句this is the reason that why .this is the reason why. 一题英语定语从句This is the house_______I lived two years ago.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.when 高一英语语法题 定语从句和状语从句的辨析Is this museum ___ you once worked the other day?A.where B.in which C.the one where D.the oneA,C哪个是对的?请说出到底是定语从句还是状语从句,说明理由,并指出另 英语帝来帮我改10个定语从句好不就是把两个句子用定语从句的形式合并一下咯,再把改定语从句的一些要点说明一下吧!10个句子如下:1、This is the school.I studied in this school 5 years ago.2、In this s 有关高中定语从句的题那两个画红圈的,顺便再解释一下我原来的选项为什么不对, 一道关于定语从句的题This is the house _______ we lived in last year?中间该用什么? 定语从句this is the man who I am told is responsibleis responsible也算the man的定语吗 一道有关定语从句的题Is this research center ________ you visited the modern equipment last year?A.where B.that C.the one that D.the one where 请说明理由 用定语从句把两个句子合并成一个.this is the necklace.she is looking for the necklace 一道有关定语从句的题He asked me _____.He asked me _____.A.whick book was his.B.which book his book was为什么A对,而不是B对,比如:This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday.这个句子的定语从句就不同于我问的那个. 两个英语的定语从句想好了再答:1:this is the house --- she gave birth to the baby.A:that B:where 有关英语定语从句的几道题拜托 This is the book ______(它的封面是绿色的)要求用定语从句