1课文Didn't you have a crash?难说您没有出车祸吗?我默写的is not you have a carsh,为什么课文要用do?2课文I drove it into a lamp-post.我把汽车撞在电线杆上了.我默写的i drove into the lamp-post,首先可不可以不

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:50:03

1课文Didn't you have a crash?难说您没有出车祸吗?我默写的is not you have a carsh,为什么课文要用do?2课文I drove it into a lamp-post.我把汽车撞在电线杆上了.我默写的i drove into the lamp-post,首先可不可以不
1课文Didn't you have a crash?
我默写的is not you have a carsh,为什么课文要用do?
2课文I drove it into a lamp-post.
我默写的i drove into the lamp-post,首先可不可以不写it;第二,work on这个词组代词要放在介词后,为什么drive into这个词组代词要放在介词前?
3课文这句well ,they are trying to repair it,sir
一句中出现了两个动词,are和 repair.我记得句子中有了be动词就不能再出现动词原形了,为什么这句会这么写呢?

1课文Didn't you have a crash?难说您没有出车祸吗?我默写的is not you have a carsh,为什么课文要用do?2课文I drove it into a lamp-post.我把汽车撞在电线杆上了.我默写的i drove into the lamp-post,首先可不可以不
1 句子时态是一般过去式的疑问句,所以疑问句在开头要用Did,再说句子主语是you怎么也不可能用is啊,要用are的话就变成了现在进行式了.
2 it是可写可不写的,为了理解前文把it写出来是比较规范的,我们来分析一下,两个词组的意思
drive into 开始进入,驶入;迫使 根据意思来说,into后面还有个宾语,当然这个宾语不是drive的对象,所以it和into后面所接的肯定不一样同一个对象.
如果是被动就不用it 例如:The car was drove into the tree.
work on 从事什么工作 这是个习惯用语 后面直接跟宾语
I work on it/the computer.中间什么都不能加.
3 try to do sth.固定短语 尝试做某事
句子中虽然有be但是to do sth是不定式短语,to后面一般是动词原形.

You Didn't Have A Good Time 歌词 1课文Didn't you have a crash?难说您没有出车祸吗?我默写的is not you have a carsh,为什么课文要用do?2课文I drove it into a lamp-post.我把汽车撞在电线杆上了.我默写的i drove into the lamp-post,首先可不可以不 You have done your job,______?A:didn't you B:have you C:haven't youD:did you If I Didn’t Have You歌词? Why do you look so s____?Didn't you have a good rest last night? I didn't know it was you.You have c_____ a lot you could told me that,you didn't have to write a letter full of you should___at the red light .but you didn't.A.stop B,have stopped. Have you helped a men You didn't know him.(合并为一句) Didn't you have a crash?请问各位此处have的用法?另外请问一下didn't,isn't 的区分用法!thanks a lot! You should have asked what you are supposed to wear.should have askedmeans-------------A.didn't B.asked C.will ask D.didn't like asking That must have cost you much money,___it?A.mustn't B.haven't C.needn't D.didn't I didn't have a clean shot. You must have missed the train last week,___ A.must't you B.haven't you C.didn't you D.needn't you You must have seen him off yesterday,A.haven't you B didn't you C.musn't you D needn't you答案选 49.——You didn't wait for Mr.Black last night,did you?——No,but we ____.He didn't retur详解49.——You didn't wait for Mr.Black last night,did you?——No,but we ____.He didn't return home at all.A.couldn't have B.needn't have C.didn't need i didn't mean to heart you just want we have a good I am going to have a party,didn't you know回答:用yes 还是no?