大家帮忙看看这个英语句子结构怎么分析,marriage provides the glue need to keep a couple together by providing ties of family,in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:58:31

大家帮忙看看这个英语句子结构怎么分析,marriage provides the glue need to keep a couple together by providing ties of family,in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children.
marriage provides the glue need to keep a couple together by providing ties of family,in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children.

大家帮忙看看这个英语句子结构怎么分析,marriage provides the glue need to keep a couple together by providing ties of family,in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children.
marriage主语 provides谓语(the glue 宾语 need to keep a couple together宾语的定语) by providing ties of family(状语),in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children.

marriage provides the glue needed to keep a couple together by providing ties of family, in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children.

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