请教这个句子中完成时的含义Because the abacus is a daily-use device made from wood,few of them have survived是否含着到现在为止的意思?到现在为止,它们当中很少流传了下来

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:40:22

请教这个句子中完成时的含义Because the abacus is a daily-use device made from wood,few of them have survived是否含着到现在为止的意思?到现在为止,它们当中很少流传了下来
Because the abacus is a daily-use device made from wood,few of them have survived

请教这个句子中完成时的含义Because the abacus is a daily-use device made from wood,few of them have survived是否含着到现在为止的意思?到现在为止,它们当中很少流传了下来
them指代abacus,made from wood 只是定语起到修饰作用,只为了说明当时的算盘是用木头做的 ,就算去掉了句子也是完整的.

个人理them指代的前面的wood,few of them have survived是说wood极少部分存活下来了。是过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果。

请教这个句子中完成时的含义Because the abacus is a daily-use device made from wood,few of them have survived是否含着到现在为止的意思?到现在为止,它们当中很少流传了下来 请教如下句子中simply的意思?“I like this idea simply because--- ” 请教“绿遍山原白满川”中“川”字的含义? 这个句子中,as.的含义及作用 请教这个句子中完成式表示什么意思一直对状态的完成时的意思不是很清楚She says the use of social media has been different in the movements in Egypt and Tunisia.如果改用一般时的话,意思与完成时有那些不同 请教焊条牌号J507RH的含义请教焊条牌号J507RH中RH的含义 用 because- so -so that 完成句子 咽喉:比喻要险的交通要道.用这个含义造一个句子句子中 必须要有咽喉这个词语 英语句子翻译请教 运用behind or after 来完成,翻译这个句子:字母A后面是什么? 课文中有含义深刻的句子,比如,居里夫人“几乎在完成这项伟大自然发现的同时,也完成了对人生意义的发现”, “I like Monday because I have P.E..”这个句子中because引导的从句修饰的是谁,是什么从句?修饰的是like么?还是哪个部分? The reason why I was late for school is because I missed the bus这个句子中why和because用的对吗 句子中带have的就是完成时么? 用括号中所给的单词的适当形式完成下列句子.All the people in the company were happy,because the __gave them a bonus.(employ) He can't come to school today because of his ______(sick)——用括号中所给单词的适用形式完成句子, 请教此图的含义 请教上善若水的含义,出处. 紫藤萝瀑布中句子的含义