高级英语阅读题2Castles were brought to Britain by William the Conqueror, when he invaded England in 1066 from his homeland in France. One of the most powerful ways for William to take con\x1ftrol of his new kingdom, which included England, Sco

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:19:55

高级英语阅读题2Castles were brought to Britain by William the Conqueror, when he invaded England in 1066 from his homeland in France. One of the most powerful ways for William to take con\x1ftrol of his new kingdom, which included England, Sco
Castles were brought to Britain by William the Conqueror, when he invaded England in 1066 from his homeland in France. One of the most powerful ways for William to take con\x1ftrol of his new kingdom, which included England, Scotland and Wales, was to have castles built throughout the land. At first, he ordered the construction of very simple castles, called motte and bailey castles.
These early castles consisted of an earthen mound, topped by a tower built of wood. The bailey was a large area of land enclosed by a shorter fence. Inside the bailey were the main activities of the castle, such as workshops, stables and livestock, household activities, etc., while the tower on the motte was used as the lord's residence and as an observation post. Before long, the earthen castles were replaced by the stone castles, which were much stur\x1fdier, did not rot like wood, and also were much more able to withstand any attack by an invader.
From the 11th to 13th centuries the stone castles were booming. They were not just used by the king. Most castles, in fact, were granted by a king to their most loyal knights or barons who fought bravely in battle and supported their king. The king, starting with William the Conqueror, gave his loyal knights vast estates and permission to build castles. In return, he expected these men to control their lands as the king's representative, to keep the local population from rebelling, and to force them to work and pay rent to the lord, who then passed it onto the king. These knights and barons built castles almost everywhere in Britain, served to strike fear into the local peoples, and to symbolize their power and wealth.
By the 15th century the stone castles began declining. For the one thing, military ne\x1fcessity changed in Great Britain. There was less emphasis placed on defense and more on comfort. Earlier stone houses were gradually modified, or abandoned completely and replaced by great houses of a richer and more relaxed style. The development of firearms and the in\x1fcreasing use of gunpowder, for the other one, also ended the castles' endurance.
Despite their decline, many wealthy families of the 18th and 19th centuries fed their passions by naming their newly built houses, "castle. " This ill-informed romanticism had its valuable side, which eventually led to concerted efforts to preserve and restore many ruined castles.
Even today, centuries after they were active in British history, the castles of Britain have established themselves firmly in the national and international mindset. Castles have demonstrated not only the exchanges of the majesty, power and wealth of their noble builders, but also the rise and set of British Empire.
56. The castles originated from .
A. France B. England
C. Scotland D. Wales
57. According to the text, "motte" (Para.l) refers to
A. an earthen mound B. a wooden tower
C. a shorter fence D. a larger area
58. From the 11th to 13th centuries, castles were booming because of the following rea\x1fsons EXCEPT .
A. a gift B. a force means
C. a symbol D. a tourist attraction
59. What caused the decline of the castles?
A. They are too expensive.
B. They are ruined because of fighting.
C. They are less comfortable.
D. It took much time to build them.
60. Which of the following is true?
A. People doesn't like the castles any more.
B. Much more new castles are being built.
C. The castles are the most famous buildings in Britain.
D. The castles still have their reputation in the world.

高级英语阅读题2Castles were brought to Britain by William the Conqueror, when he invaded England in 1066 from his homeland in France. One of the most powerful ways for William to take con\x1ftrol of his new kingdom, which included England, Sco
城堡被威廉征服者带来到英国了,当他从在法国的他故乡在 1066 年侵入了英国的时候.起先,他命令了非常简单的城堡,被叫做的丛林和外墙城堡的建筑.
这些早的城堡由土制的土墩所组成,被一个木材被建造的塔高耸.外墙是被较短围墙附上的土地一个大的区域.在外墙之内是城堡的主要活动,像是工作室,马房和家畜类,家庭活动等.,消磨在丛林上的塔同样地被用统治者的住宅和如一个了望哨.不久,土制的城堡被石头城堡代替了不像木材腐烂,以及对抵抗一个侵略者的任何攻击是更加能干,是很多的 sturdier.
从第 11 到第 13 世纪石头城堡正在急速发展.他们不被仅仅被国王用.最大多数的城堡,事实上,对他们的最忠诚的骑士或在战争中勇敢地打仗并且支援了他们的国王男爵被国王允许了.国王,和威廉征服者开始,给予了他的忠诚骑士巨大的不动产和许可建立城堡.作为回报,他期望了这些男人控制他们的陆地如国王的代表,使地方性的人口不再铃,和对统治者强迫他们工作而且支付租金,然后在国王之上经过了它.这些骑士和男爵在英国的几乎各处建造城堡被服侍进入地方性的民族之内袭击恐惧,和象征他们的力量和财富.
在 15 世纪之前石头城堡开始衰退.对于一件事物,旧姓的军队cessity 在英国改变.有比较少的强调在安慰方面的防卫和更多上放置.较早的石头房子逐渐地被修正,或堕落的完全地而且代替被一种更富有和多放松风格的很棒房子.武器的发展和那在折痕火药的使用,为另一个,也结束了城堡的忍耐.
不管他们的衰微,18 和第 19 世纪的许多富有的家庭喂了他们的强烈感情藉由崭新取名他们的建造房子,"城堡."消息不灵通的浪漫精神有了它的有价值的边,最后导致商议好的努力保护并且回复许多毁灭的城堡.
甚至今天,世纪在他们之后是活跃的在英国的历史中,英国的城堡已经在国民和国际的心态中坚固建立他们自己.城堡已经示范不但他们的高贵建立者的最高权威,力量和财富的交换 ,而且大英帝国的上升和组合.
A.法国 B.英国
C.苏格兰 D.威尔斯
57.依照本文,"丛林"(Para.l) 提到到
一.一个土制的土墩 B.一个木制的塔
C.一个较短围墙 D.一个较大的区域
58.从那第 11 到第 13 世纪,城堡因为下列各项是急速发展再一儿子除了之外.
一.一个礼物 B.力量意谓
C.一个符号 D.游客的吸引
它花很多的时间建立他们的 D..

57.A.an earthen mound
58.D.a tourist attraction
59.Cthey are less comfortable
60.C.the castles are the most famous building in britain
