我要知道No Use For A Name和No Use For A Name的关系其实应该大概是硬核朋克,我去在电驴搜“No Use For A Name”的时候发现好像是两个乐队,当时我就糊涂了,后来在搜“硬核朋克乐队”的时候又多出个B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 06:54:24

我要知道No Use For A Name和No Use For A Name的关系其实应该大概是硬核朋克,我去在电驴搜“No Use For A Name”的时候发现好像是两个乐队,当时我就糊涂了,后来在搜“硬核朋克乐队”的时候又多出个B
我要知道No Use For A Name和No Use For A Name的关系
其实应该大概是硬核朋克,我去在电驴搜“No Use For A Name”的时候发现好像是两个乐队,当时我就糊涂了,后来在搜“硬核朋克乐队”的时候又多出个Beastie Boys,彻底糊涂
求个明白人帮我弄弄清楚,就是唱Dumb Reminders的(甜咖啡MOP的经典歌曲,想必都知道)

我要知道No Use For A Name和No Use For A Name的关系其实应该大概是硬核朋克,我去在电驴搜“No Use For A Name”的时候发现好像是两个乐队,当时我就糊涂了,后来在搜“硬核朋克乐队”的时候又多出个B
C P R的网站有很多东西都被LV 霸了,所以资源很匮乏
想听好歌就要上外 国 的网站了

我要知道No Use For A Name和No Use For A Name的关系其实应该大概是硬核朋克,我去在电驴搜“No Use For A Name”的时候发现好像是两个乐队,当时我就糊涂了,后来在搜“硬核朋克乐队”的时候又多出个B no use for 和no use to 的用法. After almost thirty years lf no direct flights,___US passenger plane on Thursday left San Francisco,California for ____Ho Chi Minh City,Viet Nam,formerly known as Saigon.A a;×B the;×C a;the D the;the Nam There is no use .的用法,51.There’s no use _______ the fact from the public.a.to hide b.in hiding c.hidden d.for hiding it is no use waiting for you谁能帮我分析一下这个句子的成分,这是虚拟语句吗,为什么wait要加ing, 帮我看看这句话.if nam Then s1=AND nam LIKE '% & nam & %' 我不知道为什么会用s1,因为s1既不是先前定义的一个变量也不是什么.这句话的意思是不是如果nam中不为空,那么就执行查找与nam中含有相 there is no use for sb doing sth Tthere is no use ( )her about it any more.A.asking B for you to ask 选A 如果B 变成for you asking Could I use your eraser for a while?__________,but I have to use it now.A.Yes B.No C.OK D.Sorry we have been told that under no circumstances_the telephone inthe office for personnal affairs.A may we use B we may use ,为什么选B selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly翻译 求have no use for的用法,短语,例句. It's no use asking him for help的翻译 tjere is no use to do/for sth --is that phone for general use?--no.in no case__to use it in the office for personal affairs.A.anyone is allowed B.is anyone allowedC.someone is allowedD.is someone allowed --is that phone for general use?--no.in no case__to use it in the office for personal affairs.A.anyone is allowed B.is anyone allowedC.someone is allowedD.is someone allowed 亲,还是一道高中语法题…再帮我看看It is no use _me not to worry about his injury.A.for you to tell B.your telling C.you tell D.having not选什么,能不能详细解释下语法,it's no use 后不是跟动词ing吗?亲,答案给的 we had no money and no place . a.to live in b.to live c.living in d.living我知道答案为B,是否是因为前面既有money又有place.无法选择合适的介词,应该说we had no money to use and no place to live in .不知我理解的对不?