
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:45:13


班级 姓名 学号
一、Listen and choose.听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,(10)
( ) 1. A. nine B. by C. bike
( ) 2. A. dog B. duck C. boat
( ) 3. A. light B. right C. night
( ) 4. A. went skiing B.went skating C.went swimming
( ) 5. A. 3rd floor B. 1st floor C. 5th floor
( ) 6. A. 150cm B. 150m C. 115cm
( ) 7. A. It’s windy. B. It’s snowy. C. It’s sunny.
( ) 8. A. Tom’s favourite colour is green.
B. Tom’s favourite animals is giraffe.
C. Tom’s favourite season is spring.
( ) 9. A. Amy’s uncle is an accountant.
B. Amy’s aunt is an actor.
C. Amy is a salesperson.
( ) 10. A. John has a new picture book.
B. John has a new story-book.
C. John has a new English book.
二、Listen and choose. 听对话,请根据问题从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项.(10)
( ) 1. A. I am going to go tomorrow.
B. I am going to go with my father.
C. I am going to by bike.
( ) 2. A. No, he doesn’t. B. Yes, he is.
C. Yes, he can play the piano
( ) 3. A. He likes football. B. He’s tall and strong. C. He’s an actor.
( ) 4. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it’s near. C. Yes, there is.
( ) 5. A. It’s near the bank.
B. Take No.2 bus, get off at the cinema.
C. It’s next to the shoe store.
三、Listen and arrange. 听短文,根据你所听到的内容用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序.(10)
( ) Daddy, I’m home. I’m hungry.
( ) What would you like for dinner?
( ) I played basketball after school. I’m hungry and tired now.
( ) It’s 6:30
( ) What did you do after school?
( ) What time is it now?
( ) Mom is out. So, we can cook dinner together.
( ) Can you wash the vegetables?
( ) I’d like some fish ,tomatoes and chicken.
( ) Yes, I can. I’m going to wash the vegetables.
四、Listen and number. 听对话,根据你所听到的内容用阿拉伯数字给下列图片标号.(10)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

五、Fill in the blanks. 在四线格内写出所给字母的左邻右舍,大小写字母均写.(10)
Ff Nn Qq Rr

Uu Xx Cc Hh
六、Read and write. 读一读,根据例子写出单词或短语的正确形式.(10)
1、old — older funny--______ big--_________ thin--_______
short--______ heavy--_________
2、listen to music — listened to music sing and dance--________________
eat good food--_____________ buy presents--_________________
climb a mountain--______________ go fishing--______________
3、sing—singing swim--_________ run--_______ write--_________
listen--_______ have--_______
4、live—lives teach--_______ read--_______ watch--______
work--______ go--______
七、Read and fill. 读句子,根据句意选择合适的单词填在横线上.(10)
1. Where is the ? It’s next to the park.( cinema fall )
2. There is a , a mirror and a desk in my bedroom.
( closet forest)
3. is Saturday. It’s my mother’s birthday. ( winter today )
4. What did you do last winter? I went . ( skiing park)
5. How many are there in the picture? There are 5.(horses mouse)
八、Look and write. 根据图片,补全对话.(10)

1、A: This is a beautiful ______.
B: ___________ is it? C: It’s 60 yuan.
2.A:How do you school? B: I ________________.
3. A: What’s your ________season?
B: I like ______, because I can ___ ____ .
4. A:What’s the _____with you? B:I ______ _____.
5. A:What did you ____ yesterday? B:I _______________ .
九、Put the words in the correct order. 连词成句.注意大小写及标点符号.(10)
1、your do sister what does
2、 is river village there a in my

3、does the cloud where come from

4、than giraffe is the monkey the taller

5、you go Beijing by to play did

十、Read and judge. 根据短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打√,错误的打×.(10)
Mr Black had two cats. One was very big and the other was quite small. He liked them very much. One day, Mr Green, a friend of his, came to see him. To his great surprise, he saw two holes(洞) in the door, a large hole and a small hole. He said, “ My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?” “ Let the cats in and out, ” Mr Black answered.
“ But why are there two holes? Isn’t one hole enough?” asked his friend.
“ How can the big cat go through the small hole? He said.
1. Mr black had one cat. ( )
2. Mr black liked the cats very much. ( )
3. One day, Mr green came to visit Mr black. ( )
4 There is one hole on the door. ( )
5. Mr black is clever.(聪明). ( )
Tom was very old, and he lived by himself a long way from town. So he knew less about the world. One day he went into town to buy something in some shops. Then he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When he looked around, he saw many old people put eyeglasses on before reading their newspaper, so after lunch he walked to a shop to buy some glasses.
The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, “ No, I can’t read with these.”
The man became more and more surprised. He said, “ Excuse me, but can you read?”
“ No, of course I can’t!” Tom said. “ I think the good glasses can help me.”
1、Tom lived in a city. ( )
2、Tom knew less about the world. ( )
3. Tom saw many old people at a restaurant. ( )
4. He went to a restaurant after lunch. ( )
5.Tom liked glasses very much . ( )

一、 Listen and choose(根据录音内容, 将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的选项选出来,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里)(10分)
( B ) 1. I go to Xinjiang by plane.
( B ) 2. There is a duck in the river.
( B) 3. The drivers drive on the right in China.
( A) 4.I went skiing on my holiday.
( A ) 5. John lives on the 3rd floor. Room 301
( C ) 6.The yellow monkey is 115cm tall.
(C ) 7.It’s cloudy in Macau, sunny in Hong Kong.
( C ) 8.Spring is Tom’s favourite season.
( A ) 9. Amy’s father is an actor. Amy’s uncle is an accountant.
( B ) 10. Yesterday Daddy bought John a new story-book.
三、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)(10分)
( C ) 1. How are you going to the park, Mary?
( A ) 2. Does Mike like playing the violin?
( B ) 3. What’s Mr Green like?
( C ) 4. Is there a library near here?
( C ) 5. Excuse me, where is the bank, please?


......A..听句子七年级上册英语试卷,七年级上册期中试卷选择相应的答句。每小题只念一遍。(5分)( ) 1. A. My name is Grace. B. Hi, Tina. I’m Grace. C. Nice to meet you, Tina.( ) 2. A. ...


......A..听句子七年级上册英语试卷,七年级上册期中试卷选择相应的答句。每小题只念一遍。(5分)( ) 1. A. My name is Grace. B. Hi, Tina. I’m Grace. C. Nice to meet you, Tina.( ) 2. A. ...
......Ⅰ.Listening (每小题1分)Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.1._________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4._____ ...九年级第一学期期中,九年级第一学期物理......Ⅰ.Listening (每小题1分)Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.1._________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4._____ ...
......A B C( ) 2、Where does the old woman like to spend her everyday life ?A ...外研版九年级英语,外研版九年级英语下......A B C( ) 2、Where does the old woman like to spend her everyday life ?A ...
......( )4.( )5.三、 听对话七年级上学期政治,回答相应的问题。(读遍,七年级上学期历史5分)6. What does Jenny eat for lunch?A. Hamburgers and ice cream. B.Hamburgers,fried chicke ...
......A B. C.( )2. What does Jack like ?[来源:学科网]B. C..( ...九年级上学期数学,回答相应的问题。(读遍,九年级上学期物理题......A B. C.( )2. What does Jack like ?[来源:学科网]B. C..( ...
......2.3.4.二、听对话或独白九年级第一学期期中,回答相应的问题。(读遍,根据对话或独白内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共14分,每小题1分)请听四段对话,九年级第一学期物理完成第5至第8小题。5.Wha ...
......B.听句子七年级上学期政治,回答相应的问题。(读遍,根据对话或独白内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共14分,每小题1分)请听四段对话,七年级上学期历史选择所听到的选项( 5分 )( )1.A.parent B.present C.presents( )2.A.under B.on C.bes ...
......学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科 ...唐山市高三一模,回答相应的问题。(读遍,根据对话或独白内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共14分,每小题1分)请听四段对话,2009学年度第一学期......学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科网学科 ...
......1. What are the two speakers talking about?A. something about ‘do-it-yourself’ in AmericaB. High labor costs in America.C. People’s living condit ...杭十四中,回答相应的问题。(读遍,根据对话或独白内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共14分,每小题1分)请听四段对话,十四中......1. What are the two speakers talking about?A. something about ‘do-it-yourself’ in AmericaB. High labor costs in America.C. People’s living condit ...
......Ⅱ. 听句子福建省明溪县,回答相应的问题。(读遍,根据对话或独白内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共14分,每小题1分)请听四段对话,七年级第一学期数学选择恰当的答语(5分)( )6. A. She usually goes to school by bike.B. Three times a week.C. It’s cloudy.( )7. A. New York.B. Syd ...


nú yì hūn yōng yìng chóu diān bǒ yā què wú shēng
( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
zhì xù là zhú róng qià zhēng zhá chén zhōng mù g...


nú yì hūn yōng yìng chóu diān bǒ yā què wú shēng
( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
zhì xù là zhú róng qià zhēng zhá chén zhōng mù gǔ
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )
走进森林,空气格外( )。只见泉水从泉眼里涌出,顺势向远处流去,汇成了一条( )的小溪。我们喝着( )的泉水,听着( )的鸟叫声,真是心旷神怡。
1.( )期中考试了,同学们都在紧张地复习。
A.邻近 B.临近 C.靠近
2.流浪儿童冰冷的心终于被福利站阿姨的爱( )了。
A.溶化 B.融化 C.熔化
3.下列与满族有关的是( )。
A.泼水节 B.妇女多喜欢穿旗袍 C.竹筒饭
4.“华山自古一条道”是说( )。
A.华山陡难以攀登 B.华山险不易攀登 C.解决问题只有一种方法
4、造句。运气 (yùn qì)……
(yùn qi)……
5、 选用合适的关联词语将两句话合并成一句话。

我原想捧起一簇浪花,你却给了我 。
我原想 ,你却给了我 。
我非常喜欢酷爱书法,无论是刚强有力的大字,还是清秀玲珑的小楷,它们对我都有着特殊的感情。我即使一有时间,就挥毫炼笔, 以成为我生命中必不可少的内容。
1、船长哈尔威 ,一个手势 ,一句话 ,随着轮船一起 。人们透过 的薄雾,凝视着 大海。
本文的作者是 ,他是 国文学史上最伟大的作家之一,其代表作有 、 等。
2、即从 ,便下 。这首诗是 代大诗人 的名作,被誉为“ ”,最能表达诗人强烈爱国情怀的诗句是: , 。请再写两句这样的诗句:① , 。② , 。
3、每一个舞姿都 ,每一个舞姿都 ,每一个舞姿都 ,每一个舞姿都 ,使人 。
4、通过近阶段的学习,我们认识了 的肖邦, 的夏洛蒂, 的廉颇, 的霍金。其中,我最钦佩的是 ,因为 。

①文中的“水深”是指 ,“龙多”是指

③“集纳了天下许多名僧”可以用 ___这个词语来形容。“才华便会很快显露出来”可以用 ____这个成语来形容。
①一个年仅六岁的小男孩(拿着 捏着 握着)1美元硬币,沿街一家一家商店地(盘问 询问):“请问您这儿有上帝卖吗?”店主要么说没有,要么嫌他在捣乱,(不由自主 不由分说)就把他撵出了店门。
③老头眼圈也湿润了,问:“你有多少钱?”“1美元。”“孩子,眼下上帝的价格正好是1美元。”老头接过硬币,从货架上拿了瓶“上帝之吻”牌饮料说:“ 。”
④邦迪喜出望外 将饮料抱在怀里 兴冲冲地回到了医院 一进病房 他就开心地叫嚷道 叔叔 我把上帝买回来了 您很快就会好起来的
⑥帕特鲁普出院时,看到医疗费账单那个天文数字,差点吓昏过去。可院方告诉他,有个老头帮他把钱全付了。那老头是个亿万富翁,从一家跨国公司董事长的位置退下来后,(寄居 隐居)在本市,开了家杂货店打发时光。那个医疗小组就是老头花重金聘来的。
⑧后来,帕特鲁普接到一封信,是那老头写来的,信中说:“年轻人,您能有邦迪这个侄儿,实在是太 了,为了救您,他拿一美元到处购买上帝……,感谢上帝,是他 了您的生命,但您一定要永远记住,真正的上帝,是人们的爱心!”
3. 在短文中的横线上补写老头说的话。(2分)
(1) “医生说,只有上帝才能救他。”这句话的意思是说

(3)你认为最后一段中横线应该填的词语是 和 。

