雅思阅读难句求解since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics,such as work or politics,it might be thought that they would have great difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holiday

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 02:11:10

雅思阅读难句求解since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics,such as work or politics,it might be thought that they would have great difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holiday
since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics,such as work or politics,it might be thought that they would have great difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holidaymaking.我的理解是:既然社会科学家难以说明类似工作或者政治这样的重要话题,那么可以认为,对于说明度假这类琐碎的现象,他们也将遇到很大的困难.(自我感觉不通顺啊,这句话.请高手指教)

雅思阅读难句求解since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics,such as work or politics,it might be thought that they would have great difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holiday