M:Where are we now,ladies and gentlemen?W:Weˊre walking in the largest square in the world and heading for the Great Hall of the People.Question:Which direction are they facing now?A.The westB.The northC.The south请说明理由,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:22:55

M:Where are we now,ladies and gentlemen?W:Weˊre walking in the largest square in the world and heading for the Great Hall of the People.Question:Which direction are they facing now?A.The westB.The northC.The south请说明理由,
M:Where are we now,ladies and gentlemen?
W:Weˊre walking in the largest square in the world and heading for the Great Hall of the People.
Question:Which direction are they facing now?
A.The west
B.The north
C.The south

M:Where are we now,ladies and gentlemen?W:Weˊre walking in the largest square in the world and heading for the Great Hall of the People.Question:Which direction are they facing now?A.The westB.The northC.The south请说明理由,


A. 因为人民大会堂的门是朝东的,在天安门广场上朝人民大会堂走就应该是面向西。

选A. 理由:答话人说“我们正走在世界上最大的广场上并在朝人民大会堂走”。人民大会堂正面朝东,面向的是天安门广场。

A 天安门广场向着人民大会堂 自己看地图

他们现在在天安门广场 正要去人民大会堂嘛 人民大会堂在天安门对面 so

C.The south 理由:the largest square in the world 是天安门广场, the Great Hall of the People是人民大会堂,人民大会堂在天安门广场的正南方向。但是话说回来没有直接过去的路 必须走地下通道。
