问一个英语的选择题,要注明为什么选择A或B或C.1( B ).When I ---------the hotel,it was very late .A.got B.reached C.arrived 2( C ).It is difficult ----------the question.A.answer B.answering C.to answer 3( A.)He must study hard -------

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:48:24

问一个英语的选择题,要注明为什么选择A或B或C.1( B ).When I ---------the hotel,it was very late .A.got B.reached C.arrived 2( C ).It is difficult ----------the question.A.answer B.answering C.to answer 3( A.)He must study hard -------
1( B ).When I ---------the hotel,it was very late .A.got B.reached C.arrived 2( C ).It is difficult ----------the question.A.answer B.answering C.to answer 3( A.)He must study hard ---------a student.A.as B.to C.with 4( B ).She is new here .She has----------- friend A.little B.few C.take 5( B ).The moon light is coming in -------------the window and the room looks beautiful.A.across B.though C.take 6( B ).I ---------two days reading the interesting novel Harry Potter A.took B.spent C.paid 7( A).My father said he would buy a pair of new trainers -------------me A.for B.to C.on 8( B ).I am going to Los Angeles for my holiday ---------------------------------------------------------- A.I am sorry to hear that B.Have a good time C.Thank you 要说明为什么选择A或B或C

问一个英语的选择题,要注明为什么选择A或B或C.1( B ).When I ---------the hotel,it was very late .A.got B.reached C.arrived 2( C ).It is difficult ----------the question.A.answer B.answering C.to answer 3( A.)He must study hard -------
1( B ).When I ---------the hotel,it was very late .A.got B.reached C.arrived B got to arrived at/in 这两个表示到达的时候都需要相应的介词搭配 reach不用介词

问一个英语的选择题,要注明为什么选择A或B或C.1( B ).When I ---------the hotel,it was very late .A.got B.reached C.arrived 2( C ).It is difficult ----------the question.A.answer B.answering C.to answer 3( A.)He must study hard ------- 选择:把一个小球轻轻放入盛满水的杯中,溢出0.1kg水,则小球质量?a;大于或等于0.1kgb:小于或等于0.1kgc:大于0.1kgd:小于0.1kg注明为什么, 英语60个选择题一个没蒙对!为什么?那么的选择……一个也蒙对! 问一道英语选择题 为什么选B? 英语高手们,我向你们求救!要固定句式的选择题,选项三个,越多越好!可以发在我的空间,或加328095776(注明百度友)例:1 .Try _______ mistakes.A .to make B .not to make C .making 问一个英语选择题——will organize a meeting.(organize)我填的是organizers,但正确答案是organization, 一个英语选择题,请回答的人注明原因.Do you think there is enough room for us__?A.four B.the four C.fourth D.the fourth 英语选择题:The presents make him ____ excited.A.feel B.feels C.feeling D.to feel请注明为什么这么选,万般感谢! 一道英语选择题:Were the people nice?A.They were annoying.B.They were annoyed.为什么选择A? 求 英语 首字母为A的 3个字母的 所有 名词要所有音标以长元音或双元音结尾的注明一下 问一道英语选择题 问个关于英语选择题的问题,都进来看看吧英语选择题AB卷的答案是不是安一个规律打乱,就是如果A是1243 B就是3214,以后的都是这个顺序?THANKS 一道英语冠词选择题Yesterday we won the match with__________score of 5:0.A.a B.the C./ 答案我知道,要问为什么 英语选择题为什么选B不远A? 求20个科普知识类的英语选择题,或一个科普知识英文网站也好的, 问一道困扰我已久的英语选择题~-So you missed the meeting?-_____.I got there five minutes before it finished.A、Not exactlyB、Not really我觉得两个都可以啊,为什么要选A呢? 英语 一道关于代词的选择题?is the power of TV that it can make a person fomous. A:Such B:This C:That 选择哪个?为什么选它?为什么不选其他两个?详细点,谢谢 【数学】初三关于一元二次方程的选择题若关于x的方程x^2+mx+2=0与x^2+(m+1)x+m=0有一个相同实数根,则m的值为( )A.3B.2C.4D.-3回答时注明过程或理由