住宿 用英语怎么说

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:00:29

住宿 用英语怎么说
住宿 用英语怎么说

住宿 用英语怎么说
说法多啊,例如 stay; put up; stop at; get accommodation; lodge 等等.你没有提供上下文,我就无法确定究竟该用哪一个.不过 stay; put up; stop at 最常用了,特别是指零时住宿,如:
You can stay / put up / stop at a hotel for the night.你可以在一家宾馆住宿.
这句中get accommodation 似也可用,但语气显得正式、庄重些.lodge 则更正式,而且多指较长时间在出住宿,如你可以
lodge with your relatives 在亲戚家住宿
ladge at the school 在学校寄宿


take a lodge
stay in a hotel overnight


1.to stay; to put up; to get accommodation; to take up quarters; to stop at
2.accommodations; lodging

住宿: accommodation