
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:19:07


Monkey King plays tricks
Almost all Chinese,young or old,have heard of the Monkey King.
The Monkey King charater 1 " Journey to the West",a book written by Wu Cheng'en in the Ming Dynasty.The 2 tells what happens along the way when the Monkey King 3 Monk Tang to find lost Buddhist classics(佛经).
But it is the superhero,Monkey King,4 catches people's attention.People love him because he is 5 ,never afraid of anyone 6 powful than he is.He goes to the Dragon King to get the golden cudgel(金箍棒).He brings 7 to the party held by the Queen of heaven.He is never scared by monsters even those stronger than himself.
People also are amused by his cleverness.He plays tricks(骗术) on monsters by tansforming(变形) into them.He even 8 jokes with the Budda.
The Monkey King has 9 thought of giving up.He meets all kinds of difficulties,even misunderstanding by his master,10 he always meets his duty.
1.A.is out of B.is from C.named D.comes from
2.A.character B.letter C.story D.book
3.A.asks B.decribes C.advises D.helps
4.A.what B.that C.which D.who
5.A.terrible B.friendly C.suitable D.brave
6.A.a bit B.much C.more D.less
7.A.happiness B.trouble C.jokes D.cheer
8.A.sees B.plays C.takes D.has
9.A.ever B.never C.still D.yet
10.A.but B.or C.and D.so