英语语法题:从句引导词that和the one的区别1. Is this museum_B__they visited last month?2. The teacher tells us that _D__cleans the blackboard is to be praised.A. that B. the one C. which D. the one who为什么不选A和C

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:32:25

英语语法题:从句引导词that和the one的区别1. Is this museum_B__they visited last month?2. The teacher tells us that _D__cleans the blackboard is to be praised.A. that B. the one C. which D. the one who为什么不选A和C
英语语法题:从句引导词that和the one的区别
1. Is this museum_B__they visited last month?
2. The teacher tells us that _D__cleans the blackboard is to be praised.
A. that B. the one C. which D. the one who
为什么不选A和C呢? the one 和 that, which 的区别是什么啊?

英语语法题:从句引导词that和the one的区别1. Is this museum_B__they visited last month?2. The teacher tells us that _D__cleans the blackboard is to be praised.A. that B. the one C. which D. the one who为什么不选A和C
第一题中选B不选A是因为,语境中是带有一种怀疑的成分,是特指的,而that 是中泛指.2题中tell 我们的东西后面给我们解释了是什么,句中的that是做了谓语的宾语,而后面的句子中是少了主语成分,the one是特指那个,which是不做主语的,虽然that可以,但是在句中已经有了,所以避免出错就不用了,the one that 中的the one 是后面的主语成分而 that 是前面the one 的一个定语,做这个题首先要分析好句子成分,这个题是从句套从句的用法,比较不好理解,但是分析清楚了就很容易选择答案.

第一题一定要选the one ,the one 是关系代词,在这道题中关系代词做宾语,= the museum ,that 是关系副词
第二题很简单,宾语从句中带定语从句,这道题需要一个表示人的关系代词作主语,所以只能选the one who

the one 是特指上个月我们参观的那个博物馆,that既可以引导宾语从句又可以引导主语从句,也可以不做成分,是个单纯的引导词,that是泛指。which不能指人,可以指物。

.还原成陈述句你就知道了:1.This museum is (the one )they visited last month. 如果是A的话就是This museum is that they visited last month.(但是that 不能做任何成分的,而这个句子缺表语)
2.同理,that后面的宾语从句缺主语,而the one 正好做主语...


.还原成陈述句你就知道了:1.This museum is (the one )they visited last month. 如果是A的话就是This museum is that they visited last month.(但是that 不能做任何成分的,而这个句子缺表语)
2.同理,that后面的宾语从句缺主语,而the one 正好做主语,who后面的做定语
