英文翻译下列短句,朋友要帮忙If it is a joke, it is a bad joke. I know more PU than you can imagine, and if i am looking for a supplier, that's why i need a very very competitive price.I can sell you products from europe at this price with

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:22:58

英文翻译下列短句,朋友要帮忙If it is a joke, it is a bad joke. I know more PU than you can imagine, and if i am looking for a supplier, that's why i need a very very competitive price.I can sell you products from europe at this price with
If it is a joke, it is a bad joke. I know more PU than you can imagine, and if i am looking for a supplier, that's why i need a very very competitive price.
I can sell you products from europe at this price with 2 times more quantity

英文翻译下列短句,朋友要帮忙If it is a joke, it is a bad joke. I know more PU than you can imagine, and if i am looking for a supplier, that's why i need a very very competitive price.I can sell you products from europe at this price with

这是个笑话,这是个不好的笑话。如果我要找一个提供者,我比你想象中知道的更多的PU, 这只是因为我需要一个非常有竞争性的价格而已。你的产品(来自欧洲)我能用这个价格销售完2倍的数量。

……如果这是个笑话,那可不好笑……你做梦都想不到我认识多少PU(PU是嘛玩意儿……不知道…… - - ),所以我要是找供应商,就得拿出有竞争力的价格。


如果这是个笑话,这可不好笑。我知道的付款(价格)比你想象的多的多. 我之所以要找一个供应商,就是因为我需要一个非常有竞争性的价格。在欧洲我能以这个价格卖2倍多的产品给你。


如果是一个笑话,这是一个不好的笑话. 志比我更知道你可以想象,如果我在寻找供应商,这也是为什么我需要一个非常竞价. 我可以卖你的产品在欧洲的2倍以上,这个价格数量

英文翻译下列短句,朋友要帮忙If it is a joke, it is a bad joke. I know more PU than you can imagine, and if i am looking for a supplier, that's why i need a very very competitive price.I can sell you products from europe at this price with 帮忙翻译一下我们系朋友英文翻译 英文翻译if it were but a little cat Your mind is like this water的中文前天从朋友那里看到的如下英文短句,希望能够得到准确答案~(30分送上)Your mind is like this water.When it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see,but if you allow it to settle,the answer be 短句 你是无法复制的英文翻译 求于朋友有关的英语短句 求下列短句的英文翻译:竞合策略 优秀企业公民 与同业合作共赢 持续完善人才培养体系 注重本土人才培养 what would you do if your parents or friends misunderstand you关键词3分钟英语演讲给定关键词,what would you do if your parents or friends misunderstand you(如果你父母或朋友误解你,要3分钟的英语演讲,短句,长句都可, 【英语翻译】帮忙翻译下面的短句 成为朋友 英文翻译 为朋友两肋插刀 英文翻译 英语翻译谁知道 一路上有你歌词中文版的英文翻译,我觉得中文版比英文版有内涵,但是我要给我老外朋友解释,自己翻译又不自信,有喜欢这首歌英文友邦的朋友请帮忙, 世上无难事只怕有心人 英文翻译 ------is-------if you make up your mind to do it.横线上填? if she made a mistake ,she could never admit it.英文翻译 英文翻译)OFFER COZ HERE PPEOPLE WILL NO TRSUT AND GIVE OFFER IF I SJHOWED IT It will be a wonderful world if all nations live in peace with one another英文翻译 If there is a quality problem can change it back to me英文翻译 英语简短日记,可参考下列短句