根据提示完成句子1、记住在人民公园下车(remember,get off)___________________________________2、超市在小镇的中心(in the middle of )_________________________________3、请告诉我去银行的路(the way to)_______________

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:30:42

根据提示完成句子1、记住在人民公园下车(remember,get off)___________________________________2、超市在小镇的中心(in the middle of )_________________________________3、请告诉我去银行的路(the way to)_______________
1、记住在人民公园下车(remember,get off)
2、超市在小镇的中心(in the middle of )
3、请告诉我去银行的路(the way to)
4、向左拐进长安街,你会发现那家商店(turn left into)
5、讲英语是学习英语最好的办法(the best way)

根据提示完成句子1、记住在人民公园下车(remember,get off)___________________________________2、超市在小镇的中心(in the middle of )_________________________________3、请告诉我去银行的路(the way to)_______________
1. Remember to get off at the People's Park.
2. There is a supermarket in the middle of the small town.
3. Please tell me the way to the bank.
4. Turn left into the Chang'an Street, you will find the shop.
5. To speak English is the best way to learn English.