定语从句.中译英,THANK YOU 1.我希望这封信将使你对我有足够的了解,以便把我介绍给你为我挑选的美国家庭2.书店是个花费不多,又能提供乐趣的场所,在那可能会买到便宜的书刊.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:24:26

定语从句.中译英,THANK YOU 1.我希望这封信将使你对我有足够的了解,以便把我介绍给你为我挑选的美国家庭2.书店是个花费不多,又能提供乐趣的场所,在那可能会买到便宜的书刊.
定语从句.中译英,THANK YOU

定语从句.中译英,THANK YOU 1.我希望这封信将使你对我有足够的了解,以便把我介绍给你为我挑选的美国家庭2.书店是个花费不多,又能提供乐趣的场所,在那可能会买到便宜的书刊.
1.i hope you will understand me more through the letter so that you can intrdouce me to the American family you choose for me !
2.the book shop is a place that need no more cost and give you some interesting things,at where you can buy cheap books !

1.I will hope this letter enable you to have the enough understanding to me, in order to me introduced for you the American family which will choose for me
2.The bookstore is an expenditure are not many, also can provide the pleasure the place, possibly can buy the cheap books and periodicals in that

1. I really wish that you will have a deep understanding on me by this letter, so that suitable homestay will be recommanded to me.
2. A book Shop is a place where you cost little but have fun. Meanwhile, maybe you can find some cheap periodicals there.

1. I hope this letter will give you a thorough understanding of me that I have chosen you as my host family in America.
2. Books stores can provide you with fun and yet, it's inexpensive. Maybe you will find some cheap books and magazines there.

英语中什么是定语从句和状语从句?请举例详细说明!THANK YOU I thank the boy that you do for me 是定语从句吗 I thank heaven for the things that you do 是定语从句吗 You send me a present.Thank you very much for it.将上面两个句子合成一个定语从句,谢谢! the time will come when you'll thank me for thiswhen you'll thank me for this应是定语从句,修饰the time,是不是定语从句可以放在句子后面 组句:将下面句子连成一句话.you set my sister a present.thank you very much for it(定语从句) 请问什么是限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句?不要搬用很长的句子,只要能讲得通俗易懂就行了,最好还能举几个例子,thank you. 在定语从句中 可以用介词加关系副词引导吗THANK YOU!关键是这个句子该怎样理解和分析!天呐!应该填什么 填空:The patient wrote a thank-you letter____he praised the doctor for their timely help.答案越多越好,但要保证对,定语从句 the time we shared together 后面是定语从句吗?Thank you for the time we shared together.请问省略了什么(除了that) 定语从句 定语从句, 定语从句 什么是定语?宾语?谓语?状语?越快越好,thank you very much! Thank you very much!You have done everythink you can help meA.help B.helps C.to help D.helping 说明理由!是不是和定语从句有关help那里是 ______ 定语从句 宾语从句 1题.thank you 英语中定语从句关系代词的使用问题the athlete that you talk to is a famous runner.whether can I use thatin this sentence?thank you so much!