英语翻译For the past 50 years,scientists have scoured the skies for radio signals from beyond our planet,hoping for some sign of extraterrestrial life.But one physicist says there's no reason alien life couldn't already be existing among us—or

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:30:43

英语翻译For the past 50 years,scientists have scoured the skies for radio signals from beyond our planet,hoping for some sign of extraterrestrial life.But one physicist says there's no reason alien life couldn't already be existing among us—or
For the past 50 years,scientists have scoured the skies for radio signals from beyond our planet,hoping for some sign of extraterrestrial life.But one physicist says there's no reason alien life couldn't already be existing among us—or maybe even in us.
Paul Davies,an award-winning Arizona State University physicist known for his popular science writing said Tuesday that life may have developed on Earth not once but several times.
Davies said the variant life forms - most likely tiny microbes—could still be hanging around "right under our noses - or even in our noses."
"How do we know all life on earth descended from a single origin?" he told a conference at London's prestigious Royal Society,which serves as Britain's academy of sciences."We've just scratched the surface of the microbial world."
Unusual organisms abound - including chemical-eating bacteria which hide out deep in the ocean and organisms that thrive in boiling-hot springs—but that doesn't mean they're different life forms entirely.
"How weird do they have to be suggested a second genesis as opposed to just an obscure branch of the family tree?" he said Cooling fan.Davies suggested that the only way to prove an organism wasn't "life as we know it" was if it were built using exotic elements which no other form of life had.
Such organisms have yet to be found.Davies also noted that less than 1 percent of all the world's bacteria had been comprehensively studied Chi iron leaving plenty of time to find unusual organisms.

英语翻译For the past 50 years,scientists have scoured the skies for radio signals from beyond our planet,hoping for some sign of extraterrestrial life.But one physicist says there's no reason alien life couldn't already be existing among us—or
我自己翻译的 看着还行呢 就把分给我吧
戴维斯说,生命变体形式,最有可能是极小的微生物,可能仍然出没于“在我们的眼皮底下,甚至在我们的鼻子里” .

戴维斯说,生命变体形式 - 最有可能极小的微生物,可能仍然出没于“在我们...


戴维斯说,生命变体形式 - 最有可能极小的微生物,可能仍然出没于“在我们的眼皮底下 - 。甚至在我们的鼻子”
“我们怎么知道地球上所有生命从一个单一的起源?”他讲了一个在伦敦著名的皇家社会,这是英国的科学院担任会议。 “我们刚刚触及到表面的微生物世界。”
有很多不寻常的生物 - 包括化学,吞噬细菌的藏在海洋深处,并茁壮成长的生物体在沸腾的温泉,但是,这并不意味着它们是完全不同的生命形式。




不寻常的生物,包括chemical-eating bacter丰富...






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