英语翻译 I am what I am!I amsimply being the of my self,I will change when I seem to need it to be!So don't tell me what to do I will do it my self!还有这句话:英译中,and I am using a english computer so i can nottypr chinese hope yo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:38:56

英语翻译 I am what I am!I amsimply being the of my self,I will change when I seem to need it to be!So don't tell me what to do I will do it my self!还有这句话:英译中,and I am using a english computer so i can nottypr chinese hope yo
 I am what I am!I amsimply being the of my self,I will change when I seem to need it to be!So don't tell me what to do I will do it my self!
and I am using a english computer so i can nottypr chinese hope you can understand!if you can I can call u some times from here!thank u

英语翻译 I am what I am!I amsimply being the of my self,I will change when I seem to need it to be!So don't tell me what to do I will do it my self!还有这句话:英译中,and I am using a english computer so i can nottypr chinese hope yo
我就是我!我只是单纯地做自己!当需要改变的时候我也会改变自己.所以,不要告诉我该怎么去做,我自己能够做好! 而且我在用一台英文输入法的电脑,所以我打不出汉字,希望你能理解!如果你方便,我可以从这里偶尔给你打电话!谢谢.

1 我就是我,做最简单的自我,必要时我会改变,不必你来告知要怎样做。
3如果你不介意,我以后就这么给你 打电话了?(不是很确定)


1 我就是我,做最简单的自我,必要时我会改变,不必你来告知要怎样做。
3如果你不介意,我以后就这么给你 打电话了?(不是很确定)
